《不良教育 第一季》高清下载

  • 导演:BenFuller
  • 演员:杰克·怀特霍尔 、马修·豪勒 、莎拉·索蕾玛尼 、米歇尔·戈麦兹
  • 国家:英国
  • 语言:英语
  • 豆瓣评分:5
不良辅导第一季Bad Education, written by and starring Jack Whitehall, follows Alfie, the worst teacher ever to grace the British education system, and a bigger kid than his students.Despite his obvious shortcomings, Alfie`s position at the school is stable thanks to Fraser, the school`s headmaster, who tragically longs to be as cool as Alfie. He`s the teacher who just wants to be everyone`s `best mate` and is prone to massive and very public mishaps.There`s also Miss Gulliver, the school biology teacher and the apple of Alfie`s eye. She cares deeply about the school and the students.Deputy headmistress Pickwell is less easy-going. She is an `old school` teacher and can`t stand her younger colleagues. She`s a disciplinarian who wants Creationism put back on the syllabus and would prefer a school without children at all!
  • 2022-09-11 【6.0】Jack Whitehall真是有毒啊……他太搞笑了…看这剧是他跑去了谁人啥啥啥的YouTube Chanel宣扬他勾引的这剧…(说句题外话:中国早晚迎来新生代视频博主与明星单干的宣扬视频…但并不奢望谁人人是papi酱…)
  • 1997-01-08 异常完美的配景設定 异常豐富的人物描繪 异常輕鬆乏味的故事劇情 尤其是幾個壞孩子 诱惑老師的小女生 小gay 小瘦子 華裔學霸 長不大的老師 和永遠不靠譜的校長 他們的女神 教師團隊其餘人 太喜歡了
  • 1996-03-13 还不错,这个地方的老师比BigSchool的往常多啦,这剧对老师的刻划也更多。颜值也更高,脚色更讨喜,只不过没谁人逗+高能,但也挺难看。Mr.Wickers蛮可爱的。我国每集都要被调侃数次。。
  • 1993-04-05 喜爱Mrs Pickwell...米歇尔戈麦斯确实是太辣!!!Fraser把老师带去地下rap battle太好笑了23333....Whitehall编剧,能不贱吗?(
  • 1988-02-26 还可以或许jack戏份也太多了吧切实他等于从小太甚Posh了只管即便不少所在显得很浮浅譬如剧中别的脚色塑造得这么stereotype看上去可以或许无穷抖累坠可是看多了也就如此
  • 1973-02-18 有些地儿挺逗的 喜爱英国这类banter witty的诙谐 可是英国lower class孩子也太脑残了 公校老师糊口也的确很depressed
  • 1970-07-27 喜爱黑人基佬和Grayson呀~圣母女老师太恶心人了。。Michelle的脚色几乎不要太typical