
  • 电影别名:印度洋
  • 演员:西蒙·里夫
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 国家:英国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2023-11-28
  • 豆瓣评分:9
In his most exotic and extreme adventure yet, Simon Reeve travels around the edge of the beautiful Indian Ocean in this forthcoming, epic new 6 x 1hr BBC2 TV series.Starting his journey in South Africa, Simon travels around the coast of the Indian Ocean, heading up the east coast of Africa, around India and back down the western coast of Indonesia to SW Australia. The extraordinary adventure takes Simon to 16 countries, as he braves the horrors of frontline conflict in Mogadishu in Somalia, perhaps the most dangerous place on the planet, and visits the beautiful Maldives, Mauritius and the Seychelles.On his journey Simon travels by boat, car, train and plane. He encounters pirates, dives with sharks, patrols with Dutch Special Forces, goes underwater spear-fishing, dines in an underwater restaurant, stumbles into a seedy drug-den, visits a 5-star seaside palace housing thousands of refugees, meets a Yorkshireman on his Seychelles island paradise, and has close encounters with the amazing wildlife of the Indian Ocean, including lemurs, penguins, dolphins, elephants and manta rays.Throughout the epic journey, Simon travels with his trademark enthusiasm, humour and curiosity, exploring parts of the world few other outsiders get to see. The Indian Ocean BBC film-crew accompanying him have been capturing stunning images around the ocean from land, sea and air, ensuring this series will be one of the major TV travel events of 2012.
  • 2023-11-16 亲爱帅气的小白左,中央是见识到人类对大陆的适度开采,荼毒事情、大陆生物和本身,呐喊大伙儿护卫大陆、护卫事情。这个地方q到中国都不是什么正面的抽象,感到对中国不太心爱。除了对大陆有深化探求外,走马观花式、先入为主的滤镜去对待进展中国度的日子照旧很大白的。比方索拉里兰比索马里战争没错,但是你不认为四百英镑换的钱是几大包是有成绩的吗小哥?真是啼笑皆非。好受的鲨鱼被割鱼翅、索马里的烽烟绵延、塞舌尔/马代的美、肯尼亚妇女用沙岸放弃拖鞋制成纪念品的精美、马代的渣滓岛、印尼在雅加达市中心出卖珍稀动物的市场、澳大利亚缉捕3m长湾鳄的危急…这趟行程确凿很欣慰。
  • 2023-10-28 谁人系列屡次cue到china,而且不是什么好方面哈哈哈哈哈我忍。Simon Reeve的纪录片真的很是记者风,一起所见已经真的触及到所经国度的底层公民成绩了,就像他自己说的看到了许多魔难,这点真的不可否认。谁人纪录片的主题更多是萦绕环保,印度洋沿海国度的进展和事情护卫之间的摩擦,是理论成绩。只不过Simon根基是属于谁都“黑”的,中国、美国英国等等完好cue一遍。
  • 2023-10-25 与其说咱们怎样治愈地球呢,不如说咱们怎样治好人类,然则忘我是人类的天分,只管所有的成绩乡村连续上来,所有的摩擦的会持续,战役和贫困也不会有进行的一天。只管我喜欢我说的这些是错的,但我更可骇这些是对的。
  • 2023-10-24 看到吸毒者时赞叹,与鲨鱼同游时激动。珊瑚、美食、热带雨林,贫困、战乱、事情粉碎…人和人的差距比人和狗的差距还要大。日不落帝国的掌管人说中国在非洲建殖民地照旧有点过头了。
  • 2023-10-12 疾速成为Simon Reeve脑残粉,有才又亲切还仁慈的帅哥都戴上婚戒了。。。。集团不如北回归线那一系列,只不过相对是深造世界地理学识的好电影!
  • 2023-10-03 印度洋,太微妙的地址,随着西蒙云游了一圈,感到不错。不外有些特意黑中国的地址(比方:鱼翅,殖民。哪跟哪呀)有点不隧道,只管扣一分。
  • 2023-09-30 印度洋算是最exotic的大洋了吧,随着Simon算是把我看的那些新兴市场国度都逛了一遍,大开眼界。