
  • 导演:奎恩·谢法德
  • 演员:奎恩·谢法德 、泰莎·阿尔伯特森 、克里斯·梅西纳
  • 类型:剧情
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:100分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:9
ABIGAIL dreams of acceptance. An eternal outcast returning to school for the first time after a mysterious event the previous year, Abigail escapes from her hostile surroundings by immersing herself in the worlds of the characters she reads about. MELISSA wants control--she`s a sophomore struggling to ignore her dysfunctional home life by using her sex appeal and cruelty to manipulate her surroundings, latching on especially to her new and naive friend, Sophie. SOPHIE is convinced that Melissa`s life--that is, a life she sees as full of popularity, parties, boys, and power--is what will make her happy, and will stop at nothing to emulate her. ELLIE, an observant writer and Sophie`s childhood best-friend, isn`t sure what she wants--except to get out of the rut of self-resentment and falsity that her peers have dragged her into, and to find proof that that`s not all there is...Enter JEREMY, a substitute teacher going through some soul-searching of his own, who arrives at the school and introduces Abigail`s drama class to Arthur Miller`s `The Crucible`. The parallels between Abigail`s life and the play begin when Jeremy steps in as her scene partner, and she starts to sink into a familiar escape, immersing herself in this new character...but her plans take an unexpected turn when their relationship begins to move beyond the fantasy world she`s constructed.This strange and taboo bond quickly becomes a source of fascination for both Ellie and Melissa. As she observes them, Ellie falls in love with their story, convinced she`s finally found truth in a fake world--while Melissa is suddenly driven to see Abigail no longer as a victim, but as a threat. Well used to being the one earning male attention, Melissa resents the relationship building between Abigail and Jeremy, and their closeness quickly becomes a symbol of everything she`s missing in her own life. Pulling Sophie into a downward spiral with her as she struggles to maintain her carefully constructed hierarchy, Melissa finally strikes out to destroy what Abigail has--and what she`s always truly wanted--someone who will finally love her for who she really is.Set against the bleary backdrop of quiet suburbia, zoomed in on the lives of five lost souls within one close-knit high school, Blame is an honest coming-of-age tale about the many paths that become tangled when we refuse to face reality in our search for love.
  • 2021-09-02 丽莎和艾比盖尔两集团小姐的撕逼大战,一方不择手段地坚持在班级的职位地方,一方活在戏剧里逃避现实,而当她和学生杰米因排练戏剧而生情所诱发的两个小姐权势的不平衡,直接招致终极梅丽莎的诬害学生性侵毁掉艾比盖尔的日子。拍的不可,拖拖拉拉的剧情有许多狗血之处,技俩也很小,不算好的作品。
  • 2013-01-26 典型的女性导演作品,有着男性没有的慎密,但也带着特有的如醉如痴和矫情,扑面捅刀子两个同学的那条线真实 未审为难,语焉不详。末端两段穿插剪辑基本没有任何张力而言,放到一起特殊突兀。至于片中女生交情应了那句话“两个漂亮的小姐只能是伴侣,两个满脸粉刺的小姐很快就会成为莫逆”。
  • 2005-06-27 典型的青春片,剧情特简略女主因为某些起因良久没上学,终于返校了,这类青春片了永恒都有个#贱少女#,看她各类不悦目[白眼],就想整她,外加贱少女以为本人等于班里的女王,所有人都得顺她的意义,而后,等于老套的来新的男学生,排练戏剧,分脚色,排出,撕逼,拍的一样平常
  • 1984-06-07 1.5/5 连一个平常故事都讲不利索,莫非还要多线齐发。无论是剧情如故人物的完整性都极差,如同在照搬一本被撕烂的日志碎像,既无深度也乏乐趣,主题杂乱不胜,情节毫无逻辑。却是床戏和开放性收尾学得像模像样,也确实是小姑娘拍了个高档集团写真集而已。
  • 1977-02-26 表面上mellisa将全部归咎于Abigail,但真正该承担的还有其人。弱点在于两个脚色笼统都对比软弱,有演技的造诣也有人物刻画的造诣。但19岁能自编自导自演成如此很能够了,更别提我原本等于为了舔颜才来看的。
  • 1976-06-27 信息量略大招致有些头重脚轻我原本感到多个脚色会在后半段有更多交加和调动 集团感受Abigail是穷乏父爱 Melissa为了逃避现实 Jeremy并且成为两人所需 95年的妹子自编自导自演如故很凶恶的
  • 1975-09-27 脚本与The Crucible的对仗划一又有气质,只管有的所在很白很幼稚了,但关于如许年青的影人来说如故异样强的。女性脚色写得特意好,Nadia演得也好,还不错的处女作。