
  • 电影别名:断翅 、BrokenWings 、KnafayimShvurot
  • 导演:尼尔·伯格曼
  • 演员:MayaMaron 、OrlySilbersatzBanai 、DanielMagon
  • 类型:剧情家庭
  • 国家:以色列
  • 语言:希伯来语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:87分钟 / 84 分钟(瑞士)
  • 豆瓣评分:9
主演:Maya Maron / Orly Silbersatz Banai / Daniel Magon导演:尼尔·伯格曼言语:希伯来语 地域: 以色列 编剧:尼尔·伯格曼典范:剧情 / 家庭上映时分:2002-10-24又名:断翅 / Broken Wings / Knafayim Shvurot用户标签:以色列,以色列影戏,家庭,亲情,2002,剧情,折翼,欧洲片长:87分钟 / 84 分钟(瑞士)imdb编号:tt0317842The unexpected death of the family patriarch throws every member of the Ullmann clan off course. Widow Dafna takes to bed for three months and when she finally returns to her job at the maternity hospital, she has little time for her children. Eldest son, Yair drops out of school and adopts a fatalist attitude, shutting out his siblings and girlfriend. His twin sister Maya, a talented musician, feels the most guilt and is forced to act as a family caregiver at the expense of career opportunities. Bullied at school, younger son Ido responds by obsessively filming himself with a video camera and attempting dangerous feats. The baby sister, Bar, is woefully neglected. Preoccupied with their own misery, the family is barely a family anymore. When another tragedy strikes, will they be able to support one another? Written by Sujit R. Varma第15届东京国际影戏节主角逐单位 最佳影片尼尔·伯格曼
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