
  • 导演:AlisonEllwood
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 片长:123分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:3
主演:导演:Alison Ellwood言语:英语 地域: 美国 编剧:范例:纪录片上映时候:又名:用户标签:纪录片,美国,音乐,2013,美国/United_States,AlisonEllwood,EAGLES,Documentary片长:123分钟imdb编号:tt2194326Alison Ellwood’s intimate, meticulously crafted patchwork of rare archival material, concert footage, and unseen home movies explores the evolution and enduring popularity of one of America’s truly defining bands.Inspired by the vibrant Los Angeles music scene, Glenn Frey and Don Henley left Linda Ronstadt’s backup band to team with Bernie Leadon and Randy Meisner and form the Eagles in 1971. While personal stories from band members (later including Don Felder, Joe Walsh, and Timothy Schmit), managers, and music-industry luminaries frame the narrative, it’s the unexpected moments—recording sessions, backstage interactions, and even a whimsical sequence from the Desperado cover shoot—that convey the inexplicable rapport linking artists, music, and the times (an era when country-tinged rock and pristine harmonies spoke to a nation still reeling from unrest).But the band was not impervious to its own unrest, and its conflicts prompted several departures and ultimately led to its demise (or long vacation). This History of the Eagles Part 1 skips neither a beat nor a hit song, and we’re reminded why the band’s “greatest-hits” collection remains the best-selling album in U.S. history. - J. N.第50届美国声响后果协会奖非虚拟类电视节目最佳音效Elliot Scheiner / Tom Fleischman
  • 2010-03-20 真是有人的地址就有争斗,乐队成名今后种种尔虞我诈,末尾唐和格林谁也都只不过谁。末尾合体还谈音乐和妄想,都中年大叔害不含羞。晚期村落音乐气势派头分明,厥后减轻摇滚成分,但集团气势派头如故太甚风行。本片拍的无比不错,并不是唐和格林的一言堂,从全员参加了老鹰开展进程职员.视角比拟主观的报告请示了老鹰汗青,并且绝不避忌的70年月的毒品和性趴体,有些镜头无比果敢,可能看出米国70年月的开放水平。另有晚期独唱版的《亡命之徒》确实没有厥后改编的钢琴版难听,厥后版本才真让人觉得运气的无法和悲情。集体感到老鹰第二好的作品了。
  • 2001-07-20 三个多小时,觉得如故短了些。四十余年,影象成员更替,抵牾,遣散又重组,当今又随Glenn告辞,终极永世的只会是音乐自身。可是当老鹰第一次飞起的时间就曾经注定要成为传说。It’s only rock and roll , but I like it.
  • 1993-01-02 从前对老鹰明确无限,昨晚睡不着就点开了谁人纪录片……哗,走人进人踢人,抓马水平不亚于PF……看完感到Henley在艺术上是这团真正的主脑,Frey是大当家,Walsh果真敬爱,和Felder也太惨了吧,何至于此呢唉……
  • 1991-01-06 Joe旅舍损坏王那段很搞笑。听他们报告请示lyin‘ eyes的创作故事那段儿特诱人,absolutely talented guys。加州旅社的幕后故事真是长学识。
  • 1987-01-05 真荣耀几年前看了他们在北京的演唱会迩来看的白宫风波有好几首片尾曲差不多他们的谁人纪录片让我更着实的明确了谁人神同样的乐队
  • 1986-05-31 哈哈,最欣喜如故Joe谁人损坏大王,太敬爱了吧。另有等于,会做人真是一门人一辈子路上的必修课。
  • 1970-09-14 是啊,我感到留在影象中的人和事不外很少的几个——李杰2016.12.3133岁的翌日