
  • 电影别名:Prophet`sPrey
  • 导演:艾米·博格
  • 演员:尼克·凯夫
  • 类型:纪录片传记犯罪
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 片长:90分钟
When Warren Jeffs rose to Prophet of the Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints, he took control of a religion with a history of polygamous and underage marriage. In a short time, Warren managed to expand these practices and the power of his position in unprecedented ways. He bridged the gap between sister wives and ecclesiastically rape, befuddling the moral compass of his entire congregation. The film examines Warren Jeffs` life and shows how he became a worshipped and adored Prophet. Warren has a devout following numbering in the tens of thousands - many of whom would give their life at any moment with just one word from the Prophet. Despite a trail of abuse and ruined lives, Warren has maintained his grip on power.第68届美国编剧工会奖影戏奖 最佳纪录片脚本(提名)
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  • 2004-09-23 配樂:NickCave