
  • 电影别名:梦想米其林
  • 导演:JosephLevy
  • 演员:GrantAchatz 、ThomasKeller
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:93
  • 豆瓣评分:6
主演:Grant Achatz / Thomas Keller导演:Joseph Levy言语:英语 区域: 美国 编剧:Joseph Levy典范:纪录片上映时候:2013-10-25别号:空想米其林用户标签:美食,纪录片,美国,Documentary,紀錄片,2012,美国影戏,激动片长:93imdb编号:tt2014351Spinning Plates is a documentary about three extraordinary restaurants and the incredible people who make them what they are. A cutting-edge restaurant named the seventh-best in the world whose chef must battle a life-threatening obstacle to pursue his passion. A 150-year-old family restaurant still standing only because of the unbreakable bond with its community. A fledgling Mexican restaurant whose owners are risking everything just to survive and provide for their young daughter. Their unforgettable stories of family, legacy, passion and survival come together to reveal how meaningful food can be, and the power it has to connect us to one another.
  • 2022-11-16 “If you are confronted with obstacles early on in your life, and emotional letdowns - highs, lows… maybe you understand life at an early age. Maybe you understand that it’s highly volatile. Life is unpredictable.” “· At the same time making people comfortable, and exposed”
  • 2022-11-13 扫尾那段Grant的narrative串起三个故事溘然感到好激昂 也鲜明了什么原因片名翻译成如此 食品不仅仅是nutrition和taste fine dining是有嗅觉和味觉闭会的艺术品 小镇餐厅是内政场合和肉体寄与 夫妻店是家的造成和生活的怄气 \"Their unforgettable stories of family, legacy, passion and survival\" 电影的造成确实很好 哎又在恨没去吃The French Laundry
  • 2022-11-04 ‘At the same time you make people feel comfortable and exposed; and that’s a restaurant.’ Wow. 立意很牛。只不过比例依然没专程弄好,尤其是先入为主看过chef’s table对Alinea的故事很理解就更没什么离奇了。
  • 2022-11-03 “每个美食家做到极致基本哲学家”,这不是厨房,这是人一辈子。哭得稀里哗啦,每一个餐厅的故事都像一部径自的影戏,在末尾Grant那番话把三家毫无接洽的餐馆聚在一起。我泪流不止,毫无防备得被治愈了,未来通常撑不下去了就把谁人纪录片拿出来看一看。(巧妙的是,谁人电影是怎么样到我硬盘里来的我完备no clue)
  • 2022-10-27 “At the same time making people comfortable, and exposed” what is your lengthy and what’s the big picture in your mind. 两场大火、舌癌、墨西哥小餐馆的保持。
  • 2022-10-27 并且我感到是食品的纪录片却没有局限于食品的做法并且这方面说起的较少 一步步深化去让咱们理解餐厅理解餐厅里的人他们的理念法子 感受很有意思 食品也并不是处置饥寒的最根本的需要 而更像是通报情绪的介质 人与人之间的接洽 丰厚心灵 固然三个故事看似不一样事实上很大相同处
  • 2022-10-17 温馨小品看似三个完备不同类型的餐厅,其背地都有着近似酸楚与困难的斗争故事。米其林三星大厨末尾提纲挈领导演的初志:原先三个餐厅冥冥之中有着内涵关于restaurant&food领会的共通之处。(制造好的背景音乐纪录片气势派头条理晋升许多)