《法国大革命:撕裂的历史》高清下载 在线播放

主演:Richard Clay导演:言语:英语 区域: 英国 编剧:范例:纪录片上映时分:6 May 2014别号:用户标签:纪录片,BBC,汗青,法国,艺术,法国大革命,英国,2014片长:1 hrimdb编号:tt3716028A journey through the dramatic and destructive years of the French Revolution, telling its history in a way not seen before - through the extraordinary story of its art. Our guide through this turbulent decade is the constantly surprising Dr Richard Clay, an art historian who has spent his life decoding the symbols of power and authority.Dr Clay has always been fascinated by vandalism and iconoclasm, and believes much of the untold story of the French Revolution can be discovered through the stories of great moments of destruction. Who were the stone masons in the crowd outside Notre Dame that pulled down the statues of kings? Why do the churches of Paris still carry all the coded signs of anti-Christian state legislation? What does it mean, and who was carrying this out?Telling the story of the French Revolution - from the Storming of the Bastille to the rise of Napoleon - as the significant modern outbreak of iconoclasm, Clay argues that it reveals the destructive and constructive roles of iconoclasts and how this led directly to the birth of the modern Europe.
  • 2022-12-07 从艺术的角度看法国大反动,在雕像的不绝推倒和重塑之中是权益的不绝更迭。The symbols shape our world and how we understand it, imagine it. For those who control our symbolic world should never take their power for granted, for there is always somebody to pull it down, to smash it. “The act of creation is always first and foremost an act of destruction.”
  • 2022-12-04 很奇特的视角。反动的疆场进入了视觉范畴。Dr Clay觉得法国大反动中的粉碎行动不是自发蒙昧的,他们打破了意味着皇权教廷和贵族权益的艺术形象,确立了新的政治秩序。而这类粉碎与倾覆代表的一种招架的文明,一种论争的文明也传承了上去,成为巴黎文明DNA中的一部份。法国人还真是右派的浪漫啊。
  • 2022-11-23 法国大反动期间的艺术抗争将反动的信心和行动浪漫化,对教堂宗教符号的改革,毁像静止,撤除王权意味的巴士天堂,十分有意思的是将断头台前路易十五世雕像的双眼蒙住来抒发对路易十六出逃巴黎的轻蔑和责备,和巴黎陌头的涂鸦艺术的汗青传承,让人齰舌,反动在粉碎旧文明符号的并且也察觉着新的文明。
  • 2022-11-12 有意思的纪录片,从雕像与营造的粉碎的角度来回声过后底层对榨取己久的皇权和宗教的还击。一段1789前后的hidden history。从法国大反动的毁像到古代的倾覆泥像或是陌头涂鸦,基本上匹敌志愿的意味。想起了香港的“九龙皇帝”,也是用一种笔墨涂鸦的想法抒发诉求与不满。
  • 2022-10-26 从艺术史的角度看法国大反动蛮鲜活。然而感到对汗青的叙说不足分明,并且头重脚轻。反动中的粉碎和屠杀在人类汗青上泛起过不止一次,太甚血腥和暴力。也怪不得法国昔时十分否决文明大反动。高中汗青上对法国大反动的高度评估值得商议,不知能否有甚么用意。总体尚可。
  • 2022-10-22 从艺术粉碎的视角看法国大反动,思绪很奇特。比拟欧洲中世纪“破像静止”和唐代的“灭佛静止”,后两者背地本质上基本上地盘、资本、银子的相干益处所激发的。法国大反动期间的破像毁碉静止剑指皇权,可以或许想象,在东方语境之下的艺术品符号化关于民气是何其重要!
  • 2022-10-18 这部重要是从艺术的角度去看汗青,纪录片在掌管人的率领下,咱们走向一个个地方,经由一个个艺术作品去体味那段汗青。怎么样说呢,没有做条记良多多少工具忘记了。TAT挺好的一部作品的,说了良多工具。还或者记得,便是刻画不出来了。唉。