《锅盖头2: 雷霆救援[高清]》高清下载

  • 电影别名:锅盖头2:雷霆救援 、Jarhead 2: Field of Fire
  • 导演:唐·迈克尔·保罗
  • 演员:Jason
  • 类型:动作
  • 语言:英语
  • 片长:01:42:37 (h:m:s)
  Battle-scarred and disillusioned by the war, Corporal Chris Merrimette is put in charge of a unit whose next mission is to resupply a remote outpost on the edge of Taliban-controlled territory. While driving through the hostile Helmand province, a Navy SEAL flags down their convoy and enlists the unit on an operation of international importance: they must help an Afghan woman famous for her defiance of the Taliban escape the country. Without tanks or air support, Merrimette and his team will need all the courage and firepower they can muster to fight their way across the war-torn country and shepherd the woman to safety.  久经沙场的宿将Chris Merriman下士教诲着一支小分队实施一项为一座凑近塔利班权势管制范畴的火线站供应补给的工作,在通过赫尔曼德省友好权势占领区的时分,车队被一位海豹突击队员拦了上去,并阴差阳错的卷进了一个国际性救助行径中,护送一位反塔利班构造的首要女性成员逃出阿富汗。在没有坦克和重型火力增援的条件下,他们将竭尽所能从谁人被烽烟践踏的国家中逃出身天。