
  • 电影别名:通宵 、The Overnight
  • 导演:Patrick
  • 演员:泰勒·席林
  • 类型:喜剧剧情
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2015-06-19
  • 片长:80 分钟
  • IMDB评分:6.6
  Alex, Emily, and their son, RJ, have recently moved to Los Angeles's Eastside from Seattle. Feeling lost in a new city, they are desperate to find their first new friends. After a chance meeting with Kurt at the neighborhood park, they gladly agree to join family pizza night at his home. But as it gets later and the kids go to bed, the family “playdate” becomes increasingly more revealing as the couples begin to open up.  三口之家的幸福家庭刚阅历一场迁居,分开新城市日后他们负气交友新朋友。是日晚上分开邻居家渡过“披萨之夜”,而孩子们上床,夜已深,故事才刚刚开始。《男人牢狱》配角泰勒·席林领衔的这部性惨剧,值得守候。 ◎获奖记实 圣丹斯电影节(2015;第31届)提名·评审团大奖-剧情片 Patrick Brice ◎影片截图