2011-11-06 很爱好评论集团代价的部门。人的意思是每个整体造作拥有代价,这类代价可不能拘谨于方圆形态对人的塑造、已有之物的约束、疾苦回首的拘谨,取得爱崇的条件是自我爱崇。The world should not stop us to show all forms of ourselves, we could break the box we’re set in and give each other the courage to see beyond the stories we are born into.
1999-02-09 这便是赤裸的题目党影戏,看在旧金山的面子上强忍着给看完了。这经典歌儿用在这太反讽了,gentle people呵呵了,本人打砸抢造孽侵入,还想他人给你好儿?整天吊儿郎当不说,最前人没了瞎打动。不外这男二装的可能,曩昔老老实实的,成果嚷起来和任何内哥没差异,八成也是本质出演。不外闻声Fillmore,望见muni神奇的内装,照旧泪如泉涌。我爱这座都会,哦,尚有,Fuck San Francisco。
1989-04-09 抒情诗 The Last Black Man in San Francisco is a love letter — not a romantic one, but the kind you write when you can no longer hold on to a relationship that nonetheless shaped you profoundly.