
  • 导演:GiulioDeSanti
  • 演员:RaynerBourton 、JessicaCarroll 、MichaelD.Howe
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 片长:80分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:1
主演:Rayner Bourton / Jessica Carroll / Michael D. Howe导演:Giulio De Santi言语:英语 区域: 美国 编剧:典范:上映时候:别号:用户标签:胆寒,血腥,美国,cult,胆寒片,行为,惊悚,美国影戏片长:80分钟imdb编号:tt3398788The contract killer Frank Zimosa has just been hired for a ridiculously lucrative mission by the rich and powerful Jorge Mistrandia. The objective: to kill a couple of people hiding in one of his European hotels. What would look like one of the simplest jobs Frank has ever had is just about to turn into a living nightmare. He will soon realize he`s nothing more than prey for Mistrandia and his army of crazy henchmen that have hiding in the hotel along with an ancient and unstoppable Horror. In their hotels you can only rent rooms....in Hell! See everything through the eyes of the Anti-Hero Frank Zimosa and boost your mind with an overdose of: nonstop violence, adrenaline, and pure fear, surrounded in a mysterious, deep and twisted story. You won`t just watch it, you will experience it.
  • 1999-05-09 第一人称胆怯动作游戏即感官!对照导演以往的作品来看,相对应的谨慎很多。如故血淋淋的屠戮模式,但较强代入感有一种人不知;鬼不觉的肾上腺素!末端这个被号召进去的骷髅怪是什么鬼?!PS:有很多多少演过《adam chaplin》剧组员工!
  • 1998-04-08 第一人称胆怯动作游戏即感官!对照导演以往的作品来看,相对应的谨慎很多。如故血淋淋的屠戮模式,但较强代入感有一种人不知;鬼不觉的肾上腺素!末端这个被号召进去的骷髅怪是什么鬼?!PS:有很多多少演过《adamchaplin》剧组员工!
  • 1994-11-24 谢谢Necrostorm发片,然则这片真实 未审是太没劲了,花絮也很唐塞。收尾的谢谢名单外貌是有范霍文吗?名字打错了吧。惟一的长处是送的海报蛮小气,手感也不错。
  • 1990-12-18 猛烈的视觉打击感,带感的bgm,弛缓抚慰的剧情 比第二部更切近真实感 吓人的点恰如其分 血腥更是完善交融 很守候3
  • 1990-05-22 终场屌,应该是套了胆怯份子的视频,是确凿吧~除此之外,基本上渣滓
  • 1984-10-28 血肉模糊,第一人称视角让人有些不适,但也减少了很多惊悚度。
  • 1983-10-18 剧情有点无聊,血腥水平很可观!