
  • 电影别名:无胆情人 、懦夫 、TheCoward
  • 导演:萨蒂亚吉特·雷伊
  • 演员:SoumitraChatterjee 、MadhabiMukherjee 、HaradhanBannerjee
  • 类型:剧情
  • 国家:印度
  • 语言:孟加拉语
  • 片长:74 分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:5
主演:Soumitra Chatterjee / Madhabi Mukherjee / Haradhan Bannerjee导演:萨蒂亚吉特·雷伊言语:孟加拉语 地域: 印度 编剧:萨蒂亚吉特·雷伊典范:剧情上映时候:1965-05-07又名:无胆恋人(港) / 怯夫 / The Coward用户标签:印度,SatyajitRay,Satyajit_Ray,萨蒂亚吉特·雷伊,黑色,1965,1960s,CC片长:74 分钟imdb编号:tt0059348Amitabha Roy (Soumitra Chatterjee), a sriptwriter has a breakdown near a tea-estate and he is offered a place to stay by the estate manager (Haradhan Banerjee) at his bungalow. When he reaches, Amitabha finds out that the manager is married to his ex-girlfriend, Karuna (Madhabi Mukherjee). The manager has invited Amitabha to assuage his own boredom # and fails to notice the uneasiness between his wife and the guest. The plot unfolds over a period of approximately one-day when they have dinner, breakfast and go for a picnic # and small gestures rekindle Amitabha`s memories. Through a series of flashbacks, he remembers their first meeting, courtship and separation (which was solely because of his lack of courage to make a commitment). Amitabha`s current affluence and his suspicion of Karuna`s unhappiness leads him to propose to Karuna once again but she is inclined to believe that the time to muster up courage has gone past.
  • 2022-12-08 \"画面空间老是共情空间.\"然则本片多次的二人-三人构图转换供给了另一种可能性:画内的场景经常并非重点,咱们却常被画外者所牵动,情感时时地由在场指向列席;片中周而复始的长镜头、前后景空间的应用无力证明了雷伊遭到雷诺阿的启迪.从始至终最大的悬疑做作是Karuna能否仍爱Ami,能否会随他远去――而开头对此牵挂的处置令人赞叹不已.
  • 2022-12-06  Amitabha Roy (Soumitra Chatterjee), a sriptwriter has a breakdown near a tea-estate and he is offered a place to stay by the estate manager
  • 2022-12-02  AmitabhaRoy(SoumitraChatterjee),asriptwriterhasabreakdownnearatea-estateandheisofferedaplacetostaybytheestatemanager
  • 2022-11-09 短小的故事,大段台词,更稳当作为话剧上演。为了增长影戏感,雷伊用景深镜头和变焦制作空间的纵深感,华美室内安装是亮点
  • 2022-11-06 你的恋情早就淹没消灭在当年的软弱里了。片末的安眠药很让人思绪万千呢。“拿来长岛冰茶换我半晚安睡?”想要睡着还不容易~
  • 2022-11-05 短小精練,雷拍無對白的場景強過有對白,最後开头神來一筆,汉子便是中二,2019.05.30@光點
  • 2022-11-03 有点小城之春碰到洪尚秀的感到了,雷伊的镜头叙事险些太适用了,有几个创意很令人洋洋大观。