
  • 电影别名:黑夜追击 、NightoftheHunted
  • 导演:让·洛林
  • 演员:BrigitteLahaie 、VincentGardère 、DominiqueJournet
  • 类型:剧情犯罪
  • 国家:法国
  • 语言:法语
  • 上映时间:1980-12-14
  • 豆瓣评分:8
主演:Brigitte Lahaie / Vincent Gardère / Dominique Journet导演:让·洛林言语:法语 区域: 法国 编剧:让·洛林典型:剧情 / 建功上映时候:1980-08-20又名:黑夜追击 / Night of the Hunted用户标签:法国,惧怕,1980,Jean_Rollin,JeanRollin,情色&色情,剧情,法国片子片长:imdb编号:tt0081250On a cold dark night a mysterious blonde girl is seen running around in the woods. It`s Elisabeth (Brigitte Lahaie), who has escaped from a high-rise prison, where people are kept who have been contaminated by an environmental accident. Their thoughts, memories and emotions are slowly eaten away by disease, turning them into sad, helpless creatures. A young man (Vincent Carder) has fallen in love with Elisabeth and tries to help her escape. But the clinic`s henchmen are ruthless.
  • 2022-12-03 旧酒亦非新瓶;记挂抛出后,男女主人公立马就上床,且碧姬·莱尔不愧一代艳星,投入特殊,可起初副角们的性戏就只剩潦草;少费钱便拍出季世感和古代文化惊惶;不绝添来幽幽凄凄氛围,终局更止不住地归于浪漫;但一样也止不住在过程当中犯傻;既是那个语境,则难给碧姬·莱尔床笫以外的演技打分
  • 2022-12-02 让洛林极冷疏离格调典范暗示情色够味剧情也不错剪子扎双眼扔进焚尸炉脑死的酒囊饭袋BrigitteLahaie和DominiqueJournet太适合演这类僵直风了
  • 2022-11-27 由于音乐和露点,和brigitte lahaie的来由,给四星!
  • 2022-11-11 腦殘小破片,同时我有疑問,為何開頭男主不把紅髮裸女一路帶走
  • 2022-11-10 情色不敷,悬疑不敷,节拍迟缓,演技夸诞
  • 2022-11-09 建功没见几多,情色却是满满的
  • 2022-10-28 影戏链接