
  • 电影别名:生于飞机时代
  • 导演:BrianJ.Terwilliger
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:47分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:4
主演:导演:Brian J. Terwilliger言语:英语 地域: 美国 编剧:范例:纪录片上映时候:2015-04-10又名:生于飞机阶段用户标签:纪录片,美国国家地理,飞机,航空,航空业,航空史,美国,2015片长:47分钟imdb编号:tt3915966The airplane has changed our world, but do we really understand exactly how much? LIVING IN THE AGE OF AIRPLANES reminds us how profoun dly this amazing invention has changed the way we do just about everything. It also renews our appreciation for the airplane and stunningly conveys the wonder and grandeur of flying.Not that long ago, traveling between continents was a migration. Now, on any given day, 100,000 flights transport people and products between any two points on Earth in a matter of hours. Indeed, the airplane may be the closest thing we have to a time machine.Filmed in 18 countries across all 7 continents, the film explores the countless ways the airplane affects our lives (even when we don’t fly). With a fascinating take on history, breathtaking visuals, soaring music, and a truly unique perspective, LIVING IN THE AGE OF AIRPLANES shows the airplane in a fresh light as it takes audiences on a wondrous trip around the globe.LIVING IN THE AGE OF AIRPLANES was produced and directed by Brian J. Terwilliger (One Six Right), is narrated by Harrison Ford, and features an original score by Academy Award® winning composer James Horner (Avatar, Titanic).
  • 2022-12-10 这种电影看完后再记得的确切不久,慌忙表情用,同时能慨叹目前,对将来晋升点期望,缓解烦闷。“The airplane has changed our world, but do we really understand exactly how much? LIVING IN THE AGE OF AIRPLANES reminds us how profoun dly this amazing invention has changed the way we do just about everything. It also renews our appreciation for the airplane and stunningly ……”。
  • 2022-12-07 没有一味拔取航拍镜头去实现片名给出的使命,而是深刻到卢浮宫外部、在香港赞赏列国花草的游人和在机场相拥的亲人去诉说对飞机的尊崇。恰是这项武艺,让咱们可以去体味未知的界限,能让咱们打破时候空间去探究这个全国,也让咱们之间接洽得越发精密。苟且但在大荧幕看也有一种朴质的力气。
  • 2022-11-01 第一次看到把纪录片拍成论文感的,通篇阐述了一二三四五点航行阶段的利益hhh,视听觉很棒如同看了一个多小时的活动屏保,最激昂的是这个人类最神速的计量条过来100年陡然窜高,那一刻确切感受本人正处在人类最美好的阶段
  • 2022-10-30 影片如同不肯意做太多的数据方面的调研。5个小章节都很日常的感受。因而,偶有几处小亮点。但总体后果仍是可以的。受不了这音乐。听下来,不时是在非洲转悠同样的...
  • 2022-10-26 想着科技提高得这么快,特地想哭,人类还没弄清楚本身,就想着探究宇宙,这个愈来愈快的阶段,唉,纪录片让人感受到本人的渺小和有力
  • 2022-10-23 由飞机带来的便当展开了一幅幅绮丽全国的篇章,体面如画,江山奇丽,谁能有幸鉴赏呢?将来又会是什么样的呢?
  • 2022-10-18 许多扣人心弦的对象,他人不特地提及,还真没认识到有这么牛;体面很美,背景音乐很好,如此杰出的阶段