《乌托邦7日》2022高清下载 在线播放

  • 电影别名:七日乌托邦
  • 导演:MattRussell
  • 演员:DeborahAnnWoll 、RobertDuvall 、LucasBlack 、MelissaLeo 、BrianGeraghty
  • 类型:剧情运动
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 豆瓣评分:4
主演:Deborah Ann Woll / Robert Duvall / Lucas Black / Melissa Leo / Brian Geraghty导演:Matt Russell言语:英语 区域: 美国 编剧:David Cook范例:剧情 / 流动上映时候:2011年又名:七日乌托邦用户标签:美国,励志,体育,美国影戏,2011,剧情,golf,流动片长:imdb编号:tt1699147When Luke Chisolm (Lucas Black) has a catastrophic meltdown at a mini tour golf tournament, he is left him broken and bitter. He is at the end of his rope.Embarrassed, he drives off from the tournament down the back roads of Texas and begins to analyze the destruction he is so desperate to leave behind. It is apparent that this is a defining moment in Luke’s life. His golf game is in turmoil and as a result his relationship with his caddy/father is seemingly strained beyond repair. It seems as if Luke’s life is spinning out of control and he doesn’t know how to stop it.Just when he thought it couldn’t get any worse, Luke soon wrecks his car at a fork in the road and finds himself stuck in a small town called Utopia, Texas….far from home.Dazed and despaired, it is here in Utopia that Luke meets a man who will change his golf game and his life forever…Johnny Crawford (Robert Duvall). Johnny asks Luke to stay for seven days and embark on a journey that he will not soon forget.Over the next week while he is stranded in Utopia, Luke learns more about golf, life and faith than he ever bargained for.Utopia is indeed a place of mythical proportion. But make no mistake about it….Utopia, Texas is real and its teachings are profound and everlasting. Join Luke on his journey in Utopia as he discovers his purpose through actions such as fly fishing, painting and flying planes. Follow him as he explores relationship with the likes of Sarah Hawkins (Deborah Ann Woll), Lily (Melissa Leo), Jake (Brian Geraghty) and Mabel (Kathy Baker). The lessons of Johnny Crawford and the values of Utopia, Texas effect Luke in a way he never thought possible.Only in Utopia can you enter one day with the weight of the world on your shoulders and leave a week later ready to conquer life. Only in Utopia can you find love and your sense of purpose all over again. Johnny is no ordinary teacher and this is no ordinary town.
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  • 2022-12-09 挺老套的剧情:某个高尔夫球手在角逐中碰着弯曲了,去了一个叫乌托邦的小镇,切实就是个世外桃源吧,碰着了一个妙手和俏丽的少女子,终极悟到了人一辈子的真理。从另一个角度来说,这和金庸武侠没啥差异啊。谁人是我在欧冠决赛后为了治愈看的一部片子,因此很俗套,但确实有被治愈到一点点。
  • 2022-12-08 重申摇动决计的重要性。比起本人的造诣和敌手的造诣,外人的任意评估指指点点是更恐惊的心魔。克服它的仅有主意,是大白本人所做全副的意思。重申自在的重要性。自在实力伟大。像骏马能疾驰,像萤火虫能发光。卢克是侥幸的,有严父,又碰着名师,还重逢了一位俏丽动人的少女。
  • 2022-11-26 每当片子成了基督教的宣传片总会显得逻辑特殊脑残,等闲到获取让人看下去的兴致。以是美景有了,帅哥有了,高尔夫角逐也有了,但这依旧是一部无聊的教义宣传片,和宗教有关,只不过这类美的超现实般的逻辑不适合片子,白白枉费了一群好演员。★
  • 2022-11-21 很俗套的鸡汤题材,崎岖潦倒者在陌生的人一辈子导师的辅佐启迪下,心智进步,播种了痕迹和恋爱,弥合了与父亲的关连,还和乌托邦小镇的陌生人成为朋侪,登上人一辈子顶峰。确实好丢脸,当练听力好了,美国南边口音。
  • 2022-11-09 原音响乐的词曲与片子很搭,丰饶内在又治愈的实力。故事等闲,但台词表白的内容博识,经过片子感遭到原著的代价。因此我用倍速也不障碍观感,片子营建程度是3星,可是哪怕出于集团公平也想加1星
  • 2022-11-03 披着富丽润饰词汇的妄想,钻营地太过火也会成为易使人迷失的希望、再摇动的目的瘠薄了崇奉做指路灯,追赶起来也显得偏激。冠上崇奉与自在之名,凭心违反天主的招呼与支配。
  • 2022-10-18 the last FIT film.. reminds me of the first 2 films lol