《维多利亚 第二季》高清下载

  • 导演:丹尼尔·奥哈拉 、杰弗里·萨克斯 、丽莎·道耐尔·杰姆斯 、吉姆·洛奇
  • 演员:珍娜·科尔曼 、汤姆·休斯 、黛安娜·里格 、马丁·康普斯顿 、埃默拉尔德·芬内尔
  • 类型:剧情
  • 国家:英国
  • 语言:英语
  • 豆瓣评分:5
主演:珍娜·科尔曼 / 汤姆·休斯 / 黛安娜·里格 / 马丁·康普斯顿 / 埃默拉尔德·芬内尔导演:丹尼尔·奥哈拉 / 杰弗里·萨克斯 / 丽莎·道耐尔·杰姆斯 / 吉姆·洛奇言语:英语 地域: 英国 编剧:戴西·古德温典型:剧情上映时分:又名:用户标签:英剧,英国,汗青,维多利亚时期,ITV,2017,宫廷,UK片长:imdb编号:tt6100074Jenna Coleman and Tom Hughes joined by Dame Diana Rigg as shooting starts on second series of VictoriaLondon, 27 February 2017: As filming begins this month on the highly-anticipated second series of ITV and Mammoth Screen’s hit drama Victoria, BAFTA winning iconic actress Dame Diana Rigg (Game Of Thrones) has been confirmed as a new regular cast member.The second series - once again written by creator and executive producer Daisy Goodwin – sees Queen Victoria face the new challenge of motherhood.Following critical acclaim for her portrayal of the monarch both in the UK and America, Jenna Coleman (Doctor Who) reprises her role alongside Tom Hughes (The Game) as Prince Albert.Picking up six weeks after the first series ended, the second instalment establishes Victoria as a working mother, learning to balance her responsibilities as both parent and Queen. However, with Prince Albert still struggling to find a role for himself there is an inevitable power struggle between husband and wife.Dame Diana Rigg will play the Duchess of Bucchleuch, the young Queen’s new Mistress of the Robes, who is renowned for speaking her mind. She joins returning cast members including Nigel Lindsay (Unforgotten) as Sir Robert Peel, Alex Jennings (The Lady In The Van) as King Leopold, Peter Bowles (To The Manor Born) as Duke of Wellington, David Oakes (The White Queen) as Ernest, Daniela Holtz (Circle Of Life) as Baroness Lehzen and Catherine Flemming (Tatort) as the Duchess of Kent. Below stairs Nell Hudson (Outlander) returns as Skerrett, Ferdinand Kingsley (Borgia) as chef Francatelli and Adrian Schiller (The Secret Agent) as Penge.As well as much drama in Buckingham Palace, the series will include trips to France and Germany, touch on tragedy in Ireland and war in Afghanistan, and see Victoria and Albert discovering sanctuary in the Isle of Wight.The eight-part series and 2 hour Christmas special has been commissioned by ITV’s Head of Drama, Polly Hill and Senior Drama Commissioner Victoria Fea, and will be executive produced by Damien Timmer (Endeavour), Kate McKerrell (Lost In Austen) and Daisy Goodwin for Mammoth Screen. It will again be produced by Paul Frift.Creator, Daisy Goodwin said: “In series one Victoria married the handsome prince, but in this series she and Albert get down to the serious business of living happily, sometimes stormily, ever after. Victoria is the only Queen Regnant to marry and give birth while on the throne and the challenges of being head of state as well as a wife and mother are legion. In many ways Victoria’s dilemma is a modern one - how do you have a successful marriage and a happy family when you are holding down an important job.Can you really have it all?”Executive Producer and Managing Director of Mammoth Screen, Damien Timmer added: “Series one of Victoria was a big success both at home and abroad, and it is a privilege to continue to tell the story of this fascinating woman at a particularly interesting point in her reign. Audiences will be intrigued by the meticulously researched stories Daisy has planned, brimming with scandal, romance and tragedy. At the centre of it is a beautifully nuanced study of a young marriage, and it’s a joy to watch Jenna and Tom find new layers to this iconic couple.”The first series of the drama was ITV’s highest rating drama of 2016, receiving critical acclaim and a consolidated average of 7.7m viewers with a 29% share. It is distributed by ITV Studios Global Entertainment and has been sold in 350 territories worldwide. It has also proved hugely popular in the US, with the first series reaching an average audience of 6.3m viewers and the first episode drawing in a 28% share - more viewers than the first series of Downton Abbey.
  • 2019-03-03 为着末两集+1星,最喜好第七集用一个很浪漫的设法宛转道出了诞生贵族却没有甚么私家自在的女王对普通人家庭生活的钻营(这也是险些每一代君主城市影象的心态抵触吧,一边是矮小上的家国任务,一边是对一般浮华生活的神往,哪怕是君主也有其麻烦)等于个体仍是不太喜好Albert演员的饰演…不知道是剧自己设缘故仍是台词这一季编剧也下功夫更多描画了Sir Robert在议会中的政治斡旋和国度的一些小形态,比第一季仍是更有汗青剧的作风?蛮喜好这类从小形态看君主怎样障碍国度政策,自我生长的故事。着末一集把全季蓄积的抵触都集合暴发了,几对cp全被拆(btw我尽管不怎么喜好Baroness那个脚色然则就何等粗率来到也太惨了!)Dutchess万万不克不及和ErnestBE啊!?
  • 2013-08-19 拖拖拉拉终于把第二季看完了,故弄玄虚,实在维多利亚两季都略有点噜苏,并且更侧重于女王的家庭方面,关于全部阶段着眼太少。个体感受全部第二季最好的等于爱尔兰大饥馑那一集和苏格兰那一集,爱尔兰大饥馑那集着末女声演唱的音乐Skibbereen确凿很难听逆耳,令人动容。此外题外话,那个音乐让我稀里糊涂想到诡秘之主里贝克兰德毒雾那几章,感受也出格相宜。接下来是the crown的第二季!慌忙看完,不克不及再拖了?
  • 2003-12-21 这一部外貌尽管两人仍是很甜,然则经常会打骂,让人粗略出格揪心。不外着末仍是会和洽承袭甜上来。不外基础就没有亲王是利奥波德叔叔的私生子的风闻,编剧何等编至心不要碧莲。第三季着末貌似亲王就逝世了,在那么短的时分演完那么多政治汗青形态,还要让其他王子公主上线真是一个大工程。第七集是最甜的,俩个体最恬静最苦涩的岁月理当等于在苏格兰高原忧心如焚逍遥自在的嬉戏了吧。
  • 1997-11-19 第二季相较于第一季样式大了有数,干线也停留起来了。第六集的爱尔兰饥馑,Dr.Traill的不畏强权,为饥民争夺权利而煞费苦心;第七集的苏格兰墟落郊野风情目不暇接。尽管剧中多个体物从关于女王的轻蔑到臣服,从而夸大女王的魅力,get到的曾经PrinceAlbert的苏点和阵容,无冕之王呀!
  • 1997-11-18 这一季的样式比第一季的要大上有数,爱尔兰大饥馑活生生看哭,有数杰出的副角在这一季离咱们而去(哭一哭LordM、Lehzen姨妈和Drummond小哥哥),世事无常啊。皇家配偶仍是甜甜甜,厨师小哥和造型师小姐姐成了我真是太他妈快乐了(露出了老母亲的含笑),等待第三季!
  • 1992-01-29 配乐颜色装束靠山仍是维持水准,本季中女王生长了,会从君主的角度推敲国度小事,加倍庄重有气质了…Lord M好charming,密意款款,完美的贵族名人抽象。印象最深的是女仕长公爵妻子,她与女王之间的对话、安抚基友和侄女的话、另有对法国的评估,出格睿智有说服力。
  • 1972-02-09 比第一季更有内容,第一季等于女孩生长记。这一季波及了有数更深层的部门,民生宗教皇权。某些剧情的确就是事实上复原,如果女王为支撑海外丝绸业进行凉爽侈糜的舞会,外人看来的确因小失大了,但她作为一个衣食无虑的上等人能想到的好意举措也等于何等了。