
  • 电影别名:男性助产士
  • 导演:维多利亚·皮雷
  • 演员:类 、地 、语 、年 、简 、达伦·博伊德 、珍妮-雅克 、里维拉·吉迪恩 、亚历克斯·麦奎因 、Fay 、Patrick 、Aisling 、Oriane 、Andrew 、Matthew决定离开自己以前的警察工作
  • 类型:喜剧
  • 国家:英国
  • 语言:英语
  • 豆瓣评分:4
主演:达伦·博伊德 / 珍妮-雅克 / 里维拉·吉迪恩 / 亚历克斯·麦奎因 / 菲·雷普利 / 帕迪·麦吉尼斯 / 艾斯林·贝亚 / 奥利安·梅西纳 / 安德鲁·伯恩导演:维多利亚·皮雷言语:英语 区域: 英国 编剧:Robert Harley / James Henry / Tom Newton范例:笑剧上映时分:别号:男性助产士用户标签:英剧,英国,笑剧,UK,ITV,2015,Comedy,电视剧片长:imdb编号:tt4610700Newly qualified midwife Matthew Bunting (Darren Boyd) is experiencing a kind of re-birth, having given up his life as a police constable in his mid 30s in the hope of finding something more meaningful.He is too warm and caring to be a cop. Arriving in his first job as a junior midwife at Easthill Park Maternity Unit, Matthew makes an instant impact on his new team members.They are led by recently divorced senior midwife Caitlin (Fay Ripley), witty and likeable junior midwife Lisa (Aisling Bea), the extremely no-nonsense senior midwife Pat (Llewella Gideon) and naïve trouble-maker Tash (Jennie Jacques).Matthew has company from his former police buddy Ian (Paddy McGuinness) who gets suspended from the force and lands a job in hospital security, while his nemesis comes in the shape of senior consultant obstetrician Luke Edward (Alex Macqueen).The team have to contend with teenage parents, a ‘double dad’ who has two partners in labour, a pregnant prisoner on release, an incognito celebrity, a major theft from the drugs cupboard and an abandoned baby.
  • 2022-04-28 又称:baby man。又一部职场笑剧。警员都能当接生婆。靠的一份傻、楞、呆、卖点笑话、卖点萌、卖点基情、卖点职场暗恋小引诱,又齐活了。PS傻愣基友总会那么有CP感。Ian为了常驻,直接警员停职当保安,形影相随过日子。关于Matthew这职业跳转跨度也忒大,
  • 2013-07-29 推不举荐呢?很犹疑!症结没有看到很基情的画面,怅然了小保安和男主那么好的组合了,整体认为男主基友要更谄媚一些,超等喜爱他的无厘头和男主的打情骂俏!暮气会有下一季,同时暮气更基一些!
  • 2000-01-07 把出产的进程容易刻画无可非议,只是另外方面也很轻描淡写的感到。看了一集,认为相比无厘头,相比充实无聊。
  • 1992-12-11 在国泰航空上一口气看完的 哈哈哈哈Darren such a cute guy!!
  • 1982-12-22 就喜爱英剧这类节拍,搞笑尚有剧情,内容短小精悍,莫名的就不停追着放不下
  • 1975-03-14 大老粗的紧密活,腐国汉子基本上宝,只是解决接生这件事依旧有点儿戏了。
  • 1970-12-19 有点癫狂中学的感到,所有剧轻松密切搞笑。只是癫狂中学更搞笑一点~