
  • 电影别名:古老的世界
  • 演员:RichardMiles 、SimonRussellBeale 、JulieBerry
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 国家:英国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2023-10-16
Ancient Worlds is about people and places, politics and economics, art and war, trade and technology, but above all it’s the story of the painful birth and difficult growth of a radical idea first tried and tested some six thousand years ago, and which we are still struggling with today; civilisation. Civilisation has not come easily; it’s something we’ve had to fight hard to achieve, and even harder to maintain, and the greatest threats to it have come from our own talents for destruction. But when we’ve managed to get it right, the benefits have been enormous.When we talk about the ancient world we tend to think of rare and exotic artefacts or the monumental remains of epic architecture; but these are just the empty shells that got left behind when the tide of history turned! The living creatures, the civilisations, that once inhabited these shells were rarely if ever static or stately; they were dynamic, chaotic, and always threatening to spin out of control, because civilisation is based on an improbable idea; that strangers can live and work together in dense urban settings, forging new allegiances that replace the natural ties of family, clan or tribe. It’s an idea we’re still coming to terms with today, but one of the best ways to understand the challenges that are involved is to look at how our ancestors tackled them the first time around.From ancient Iraq to Imperial Rome, Ancient Worlds examines how our ancestors struggled with the levers of religion and politics, art and culture, war and diplomacy, technology and trade in order to keep the complex machinery of their civilisations turning over. Their insights and blind-spots, their breakthroughs and dead ends, their triumphs and disasters are the milestones on the long and winding road that leads directly from their ancient to our modern world.
  • 2023-10-13 西方人对汗青的别离日常是现代Ancient、古典Classical、中世纪Medieval、近现代Modern四期间,“现代”专指希腊罗马曩昔的期间包含埃及、巴比伦、亚述、赫梯、波斯等,这部电影把现代和古典吞并成了狭义的现代,不断讲到西罗马帝国的溃逃。第一集,全全国人民大团结,青铜期间普及地中海全国的城邦和帝国;第二集,铁器期间,公元前1200年阁下,全全国的背地年月,南方游牧民和海上民族暴击以往的城邦是全副亚欧大陆的宽泛气候,青铜期间的都会接踵祛除包含克里特—迈锡尼、乌加里特等;第三集,希腊那些事儿,跨过背地期间,洗浴着古风期间的1500多个希腊城邦像田鸡同样装点在地中海沿岸和外地,为人类的生活方式供应了多种可能性;第四集,王者回来,直男亚历山大大帝;第五集,共和之美德,文化那个词来自拉丁语的“耕种”;第六集,天主之城。
  • 2023-10-12 达达尼尔的火伞高张,雄鹰展翅于美索不达米亚平原和尼罗河的滩涂,青铜期间被主持人独特地描述成恐龙般庞大无比。而因为它们的fragility,他们说,在文化的边际呈现了像小型哺乳动物同样的the sea people,陷落上古全国之时,方生出被称作Greekness的德性。然后一千年,在Roma pax郁勃纵欲的喧闹中,新兴突起的全国肉体又欲将汗青拖向又一个低谷……从而残缺闭幕现代全国。
  • 2023-09-14 有无亚历山大和托勒密的电影可看什么原因基督教决策了罗马却让它失守 奥古斯丁想出的谜底是红尘之城是腐蚀的占领 只要前去天主之城本事猎取极乐想到一点 譬喻有逾越他人的崇高的方针 就能够忍耐所有 只想着度过当下 时时规避 就可不能短暂 用死后的无奈印证的信用换来统治下生前的如羊般驯良忠诚
  • 2023-09-14 这部BBC德性很高,既有对现代社会的反思,又有对现代全国的探寻,更有精雕细琢的解说词。“文化大概间或天马行空,但更多时间是不寒而栗。”“考古学对人类文化的本源争论不休且相互倾轧,这所以也是现代文化抵牾的余波。”不知道英文原版啥感到,我看的那个国配版真是超棒棒!
  • 2023-08-29 痕迹文物的画面不够多,少量的专家解说镜头也就而已,另有不少现代社会镜头让人出戏。斯巴达人男女干系如许怪异,是人格的沦丧依旧人性的曲解。马其顿帝国带来的希腊艺术家付与佛像人类的面貌,以至释教教义与希腊哲学思想有直接的联络。
  • 2023-08-25 只看了第四集,给第四集打四星,真实这一集不是次要讲Alexander the Great的,而是讲他及他的遗产对希腊文化睁开持续的影响的…如许明了的话就残破可不能以为大篇幅地引见托勒密和亚历山大城跑题了…
  • 2023-08-20 噗,我即是试了一下...想不到豆瓣上还真有BBC的纪录片...吓尿了....好吧,这部较无聊..只是对于civilization有不少一语道破的概念....看完那个...能学到不少