2024-01-03 单位最等闲学的创作伎俩,只须要一颗巴西激情亲切思维和凶悍的剪辑师。我在《首映》单位写英文授奖词的考语:The film brings us along a journey to the new and old Recife in a documented form. We are not only fascinated by the transformation ofthe city over decades of recording, but also the way the director puts his personal touch on the reels of real. Ghosts or Superpower, his camera doesn't lie.
2023-12-07 化作一个cinema ghost 去回想童年,爱一个农村与一个出格空间。喜爱近似地狱影戏院的放映员和末尾的午夜 ghost driver hh 每个农村都有一个superhero & Fiction film is also documentary , futuristic fiction as well.导演QA也说 Cinema of truth is very problematic 但也很乏味不是吗