
  • 导演:Pavel
  • 演员:Viktoriya 、Yuriy 、Anna 、Aleksandr 、Natalya
  • 类型:科幻
  • 语言:俄语
  • 片长:48
  An unknown virus turns Moscow into a city of the dead. There is no electricity, money has lost all value and those who are still not infected, are desperately fighting for food and fuel. The main character, Sergei, lives outside the city with the woman he loves and her autistic son. It`s still safe there. In spite of that he rushes to Moscow to save his ex-wife and their son, although she hates Sergei . These people, who never believed they`d be under the same roof again, have to put the past behind them and set off on a long, dangerous journey north to find an isolated hunting lodge on a deserted island. The Outbreak is a family drama in the midst of a global disaster. It is one of the first post-apocalyptic TV shows in Russia and is based on bestselling book, Vongozero, which was written by Yana Vagner and translated into eleven languages. One of the parts will be played by Maryana Spivak (principle role in the film, Loveless by Andrei Zvyagintsev, which won the `Jury Prize` at ...
  • 2020-10-11 剧情凌辱俄国军警也就而已。 后边凌辱咱们国度的部队。找了几个中文都说不好的亚裔来演中国武士(恰似在俄华人没人想演云云的剧)。 导演是切尔诺贝利禁区的导演,往常还挺喜爱看的他剧的,没想到是个曲解的反华份子,日后毫不看了。
  • 2020-10-11 有撸点有糙点,脚色性格改变莫明其妙,季末还黑咱。2分足已。
  • 2020-10-11 有撸点
  • 2020-10-10 太好看了,比现在的酒囊饭袋强多了!瘟疫暴虐这剧很切近现实!
  • 2020-10-10 说实话拍的不错,那些说好看的,恰似也没看完。
  • 2020-10-10 能够迁就看,有福利内容
  • 2020-10-10 收尾的天朝人是要干嘛..
  • 2020-10-09 啥病?新冠?
  • 2020-10-09 好看
  • 2020-10-09 一种未知的病毒把莫斯科变成了殒命之城。 没有电,钱都是失去了所有的代价,那些如故没有被传染的人,正在冒死地为食品和燃料而战。 配角谢尔盖和他爱的姑娘和她的自闭症男孩住在城外。 在那里如故平安的。 所以如此,他如故跑到莫斯科去救他的前妻和他们的男孩,所以她厌恶谢尔盖。 这些人,向来不相信他们会再次在同一个屋檐下,不得不把已往抛在死后,启航去一个繁芜而风险的路程,向北,在一个荒岛上找到一个孤独的打猎小屋。 《迸发》是一部在寰球灾害中演出的家庭剧。
  • 2020-10-08 太帅了!跟美国千篇一律的科幻大相径庭!
  • 2020-10-08 一种未知的病毒将莫斯科变成了一座殒命之城。没有电,钱失去了所有代价,那些没有被传染的人正在冒死地争取食品和燃料。配角谢尔盖(Sergei)和他所爱的姑娘和她患有自闭症的男孩住在城外。它如故是平安的。所以如此,他如故跑到莫斯科去救他的前妻和他们的男孩,所以她恨谢尔盖。这些人,向来没有想过他们会再回到同一个屋檐下,他们不得不把已往抛在脑后,起头一段繁芜而风险的路程,向北去追寻一个荒岛上的孤独的打猎小屋。