2022-10-17 差点忘了尚有浪漫彩蛋~//Rufus Mann,在间断前末尾几分钟咱们终于晓得男副角的名字(太会了,同时感受他就应该是谁人名字啊)。爱好激情戏协调员何处。他人问她,譬喻演员以为有些饰演让本人不舒服怎么办?她说,很简单,就不做,换成其它。跟曩昔同样简捷谅解。到末尾一集有精神病史侄女何处,我发生区别办法,主创们不只不过体会快活与自在,他们也体会疾苦。“There’s nothing wrong with us. We’re not broken,and we don’t need to be fixed. We’re all just trying to maintain and we each got our own way of doin’it. ”请不时拍下去吧,我唯独在这里身手感受到自在。
2012-12-17 去年的年度剧集,终于画上句点了吧(预计可不能再有第五季了……),“我不想走”Rufus似乎是对咱们说的吧,it’s been hard, there always been some hard time,we are just normal and we don’t need to been fixed, we are just trying to maintain......