《海军罪案调查处 第十七季》高清下载

  • 导演:TonyWharmby 、小詹姆斯·惠特摩 、TerrenceO`Hara 、莱斯利·利伯曼 、托马斯·J.怀特
  • 演员:马克·哈蒙 、尚恩·穆雷 、艾米丽·威克沙姆 、维尔摩·瓦尔德拉玛 、布莱恩·迪岑 、洛奇·卡罗尔 、玛丽亚·贝罗 、DionaReasonover 、大卫·麦考姆
  • 类型:剧情悬疑犯罪
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 豆瓣评分:4
CBS will be bringing back another one of its veteran dramas for the 2019-20 TV season.Announced this afternoon, the network has officially renewed “NCIS” for its seventeenth season. The news comes after star and executive producer, Mark Harmon, signed a new deal with CBS to reprise his role on the series.“NCIS has been a global juggernaut for almost two decades,” said CBS Entertainment President, Kelly Kahl. “Its viewers are clearly the most loyal of any drama on television. They are passionate about the characters, the plotlines and the storytelling. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to the gifted production team and the cast, led by the extraordinary Mark Harmon. We are delighted that the show will remain a linchpin of the CBS schedule this coming season.”In its current season, “NCIS” has been averaging 12.2 million viewers in the live + same day ratings, making it TV’s second-most-watched scripted series, behind only “The Big Bang Theory.” It has remained a strong performer for CBS, in both its ratings and viewership numbers, and was widely considered to be a strong renewal contender leading up to the announcement today.With this renewal, “NCIS” now joins “Young Sheldon,” “Mom,” “Criminal Minds,” “God Friended Me,” “Magnum P.I.,” “FBI,” and “The Neighborhood” on a growing list scripted titles confirmed to be returning on CBS for the 2019-20 season.
  • 2002-10-30 这一季所以由于疫情提前间断了 但确凿干货满满 非常有诚意~ 前期是Ziva的大终局 返来依旧是配角的光环 终于实现救赎回到Tony和女儿的周围 还真搞来个大侄女秀了一把 既情怀又合意~ 前期就有Gibbs的大谈心 所以不太相符他一直的人设 只不过看他满头鹤发也确凿该有些旋转 人老多情啊~ McGee能让他倾吐也是不枉此生了~ Bishop和Torres再不擦出点火花将近变路人了~ Jimmy和Kasie在末了体面了一把 只不过骗坏蛋那一招难道跟我想得同样? Ducky是老而弥坚了 总是在症结时光发扬症结浸染~ 相比而言 Sloane确实水得不可 搞心机的都管不可自己的情感 做共情相似时的心情令人作呕 作为观众一点都感想不到她的安抚 心机的猜测也不怎么精确 人设和演员都不可~ 守候下一季返来?
  • 1999-08-12 本季完结撒花,如今还没有看到S18的信息。豆瓣评分的人数为143,分集剧情里也就看到5小我私家,可见本剧在海外的受众整体细微。S17最精彩的3集大概是,五重反转套娃案,岁月如梭案和E20的U.S.S. Arizona留念案。只不过除了季初的David回归,主线好像缺失了。分集破案类的剧集,最忌没有主记挂,由于单集故事的影象点很无限。
  • 1992-04-09 才创造原先第20集便是季终集了,这季由于疫情匆促结尾,唯一算的上主线的便是Ziva的回归了,发火下季Ziva和Tony能一路返来再客串几集。头几天难道做梦梦到Abby从头返来常驻了,看来我对小黑妹真是无感。
  • 1989-09-06 我从最起头就坚定的以为Ziva确信还活着,不停到此刻,终于证明了昔时没几小我私家信的预言。Ziva终于有了圆满的终局,Bishop看样子也要降级,感想还能承袭追上来。
  • 1988-05-31 受疫情妨碍没拍完草草结尾,还好续订了下一季。Ziva返来了,关于她不停无感,最喜好的仍是Kate。发火下一季group不要变卦。
  • 1986-12-20 本季重点:Jack毕竟跟Gibbs睡没睡?什么时候第一次睡的?然后又睡了几回?感想怎么样?是否是定上去了?
  • 1984-01-17 ziva ziva ziva!本来意难平弃剧好几年,此刻决议计划捡起来补完!愉快愉快我圆满了!