Chay是一个游戏玩家,他想在电子竞技行业做大。可是,当他在一家公司演习时,他的布局发生了戏剧性的变动。在那里,他的老总Gun让他做一些很是奇怪的差事,让Chay对他的实在希图认为迷惑。Gun的口头是什么意义?Chay会回到他的游戏生计吗?~~改编自Brave2Y (หน่วย กลว้าวาย).)的小说khob wanni loek Kan pi mai # chokachekhukanChay is a gamer who wants to get big in the e-sports industry. However, his plans are dramatically altered when is made to intern at a company. There his boss Gun has him do some pretty weird errands, confusing Chay about his true intentions. What do Gun`s actions mean? And will Chay return back to his gaming life?~~ Adapted from the novel `Khob Wanni Loek Kan Pi Mai #chokachekhukan` (คบวันนี้ เลิกกันปีใหม่ #ชอกะเชร์คู่กันต์) by Brave2Y (หน่วยกลว้าวาย).