2019-03-11 To be honest, I am not so into the first and second seasons and I feel that the relationship between Eve and V is forcefully pushed together. I do not reckon them falling in love. But this season when they meet in the bus and then having a kiss. I finally know it is deadly attraction. Could not escape anywhere!
2018-02-09 -Then i guess we both killed her.Isn’t that romantic? -You know who the only people who would think that are? -Who? -Us
1996-12-27 3.5 和前两季对比,主线不显明,剧情很疲塌,一季上去甚么也没记着,台词也日常。但第5⃣️集吧似乎是 回到villanelle的故土那集,特意爱好,三季了,谁不想看看她的原生家庭,谁不想明了是甚么塑造了异日的她呢。可是吧,killing eve 又似乎给了我一点逃狱的感受,就是它拍再烂,我也会一集不落地看完。爱好这一季eve和villanelle 相干的开展,淡淡的,甜甜的,a kind of transformation,因此剧情本来就该往那个偏向开展啦。嘿嘿来岁再相约第4⃣️季?❤️?