2024-10-19 @Montclair film festival, I didn\'t know anything about the film before watching but this became a big surprise, very creative story and creative ways to tell the story, so refreshing about an old theme (suffering of women and violence in Mexico), the music is great too.
2024-09-25 本年戛纳诞生了四大影后的评审团奖得主影戏,欧迪亚的确是把戛纳给玩赫然了。跨性别议题里出格有意思的一个,抓马的模式和流通的影戏言语这一次成为了担负,变乱自身和演员的表示才应该是本片的主体。毒枭老迈脱节旧的父权身份后在女性身段里重获重生,由内到外,从精神到精神获得了真正的日子。新的自我里没能放下的从前着末又鲸吞了新的母体,着末与从前玉石俱焚。有意思的是毒枭变成了姑娘之后成为了圣母,女状师在融入黑道日子后真正达成了善…@Light House Cinema Dublin