
  • 导演:DavidMiller
  • 演员:格利高里·派克 、托尼·柯蒂斯 、安吉·迪金森 、罗伯特·杜瓦尔 、埃迪·艾伯特 、鲍比·达林
  • 类型:剧情喜剧战争
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语意大利语
  • 片长:126 分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:8
◎译名纽曼军医◎片名Captain Newman MD◎年月1963◎国度美国◎种别悲剧/剧情/战役◎言语英语◎字幕中英双字◎IMDB评分 7.0/10 884 votes◎文件款式XviD + MP3◎视频尺寸640x336◎文件巨细1CD◎片长126 min◎导演David Miller◎主演格利高里·派克 Gregory Peck....Capt. Josiah J. Newman, MD托尼·柯蒂斯 Tony Curtis....Cpl. Jackson `Jake` Leibowitz安吉·迪金森 Angie Dickinson....Lt. Francie Corum埃迪·艾伯特 Eddie Albert....Col. Norval Algate BlissJames Gregory....Col. Edgar PyserBethel Leslie....Mrs. Helene Winston罗伯特·杜瓦尔 Robert Duvall....Capt. Paul Cabot WinstonJane Withers....Lt. Grace BlodgettDick Sargent....Lt. Belden `Barney` Alderson拉里·斯托奇 Larry Storch....Cpl. GavoniRobert F. Simon....Lt. Col. M.B. LarrabeeSyl Lamont....Sgt. KoppPaul Carr....Arthur Werbel (patient)Vito Scotti....Maj. Alfredo Fortuno, Italian P.O.W.Crahan Denton....Maj. Gen. SnowdenGregory Walcott....Capt. HowardCharlie Briggs....Gorkow鲍比·达林 Bobby Darin....Cpl. Jim Tompkins◎简介1944年,上尉约西亚j的纽曼是在病房7,神经神经病病房,主治医生在陆军航空队在亚利桑那州的病院。该病院是资金不敷和纽曼scrounges他与他的察觉工作人员的协助,特别是下士须要。杰克莱博维兹。一样平常的军事才刚刚来吸收正当和纽曼一样平常有6个礼拜医治,或送他们到另一个设备神经病。有良多病人在病房和他的最新包含上校诺维尔布利斯谁从他过去的分辩;上尉保罗温斯顿是谁花了近13个月后在敌后库藏和缓性精神分裂症,20岁的下士。吉姆汤普金斯谁是严厉创伤后,他的飞机被击落。他人来来去去,其中包含意大利战俘,但纽曼和团队都意想到,他们的胜利意味着这些人将前往自己的单元和攻打。In 1944, Capt. Josiah J. Newman is the doctor in charge of Ward 7, the neuropsychiatric ward, at an Army Air Corps hospital in Arizona. The hospital is under-resourced and Newman scrounges what he needs with the help of his inventive staff, especially Cpl. Jake Leibowitz. The military in general is only just coming to accept psychiatric disorders as legitimate and Newman generally has 6 weeks to cure them or send them on to another facility. There are many patients in the ward and his latest include Colonel Norville Bliss who has dissociated from his past; Capt. Paul Winston who is nearly catatonic after spending 13 months hiding in a cellar behind enemy lines; and 20 year-old Cpl. Jim Tompkins who is severely traumatized after his aircraft was shot down. Others come and go, including Italian prisoners of war, but Newman and team all realize that their success means the men will return to their units and combat.
  • 2022-12-05 严正而不烦闷的片子,并且声威壮大。Peck表演一位颇有责任心的军医,Curtis的脚色出格讨喜,Albert也很精采,Duvall昔时真年轻,看演员表才认到里面去,Bobby的脚色让人心碎,他是这部片子里昔时独一获奥斯卡提名的演员,怅然末尾并无获奖。
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  • 2022-10-29 宁肯装聋作哑,也不想让你了解他是个coward....
  • 2022-10-22 良多熟习的面貌
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