
  • 电影别名:MastersOfHorrorSeason2:Pro-Life
  • 导演:约翰·卡朋特
  • 演员:RonPerlman 、EmmanuelleVaugiere
  • 类型:惊悚恐怖
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-13
  • 片长:57 分钟
主演:Ron Perlman / Emmanuelle Vaugiere导演:约翰·卡朋特言语:英语 地域: 美国 编剧:Drew McWeeny / Scott Swan典型:惊悚 / 胆怯上映时分:2006-11-14别号:Masters Of Horror Season 2: Pro-Life用户标签:胆怯,看过的电视剧,美国,胆怯巨匠系列,胆怯标签,美剧,胆怯巨匠,英语的标签片长:57 分钟imdb编号:tt0785532John Carpenter`s (Halloween) contribution to the second season of the Masters of Horror series, Pro-Life, tackles one of the most abject horror film topics--abortion--with absurdity, showing how humor can be rooted in disgust. Fifteen-year old Angelique (Caitlin Wachs) Burcell has been raped by the devil, and seeks an abortion at the local abortion clinic in this homage to Rosemary`s Baby. Unfortunately, her right wing Christian father, Dwayne (Ron Perlman), is not only pro-life, but also has a psychotic belief that she is about to birth God`s child which justifies fighting his way into the clinic with guns to prevent Angelique`s operation. Two doctors are shocked to learn that they can`t exterminate the evil spawn, as they watch it bulge and buck inside Angelique`s belly. Graphic birth scenes coupled with the Devil`s visit to the clinic to meet his newborn will cause both laughter and repulsion. The baby, with human head and six crab-like legs, crawls around the operating room floor until he meets his demise. Demented as it is funny, Pro-Life contains less metaphoric horror than the Alien series, but has a similar aesthetic. For those who appreciate mutant birth scenes, Carpenter`s rendition will satisfy. --Trinie Dalton
  • 2022-12-08 《MastersofHorror》S02E05,由约翰·卡朋特执导。这剧情有点《妖怪圣婴》的意义,只是卡朋特这回走的是容易暴力血腥线路,甚么爆头尚有飚血镜头都假的太强调,像B级片。尚有谁人长了6个脚的妖怪的婴儿比妖怪恶心多了。此外开头也有点雷人,总之这一部比卡朋特第一季拍的那一部差多了。
  • 2022-12-04 还觉得没看过呢,看了10分钟制造很早从前看过。比畏惧之源和罪恶实力都要好,毕竟是好导演们的血汗
  • 2022-12-02 太烂了,小怪物长得跟螃蟹同样,大怪物跟牛魔王似的……畏惧巨匠S02E05
  • 2022-12-01 啊本来是先看了第二季....两季的片头同样是搞毛啊就不能轻细换换吗
  • 2022-11-18 第2集一个臆想症瘦子的鼻腔第6集小浣熊和剥皮快感。此外平庸。
  • 2022-11-15 和卷烟烙印比,质量差出了奇观,一个天上,一个都看不见了
  • 2022-10-31 这电影才这么点儿分啊?科幻迷的心你不懂~