《PBS.摄影大师.安塞尔.亚当斯》2022高清下载 在线播放

  • 电影别名:摄影:锐不可当的艺术
  • 导演:RicBurns
  • 演员:内详
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 豆瓣评分:6
PBS.照像巨匠.安塞尔.亚当斯剧情简介:PBS.照像巨匠.安塞尔.亚当斯美国地域的于2002年上映,导演是Ric Burns ,PBS.照像巨匠.安塞尔.亚当斯具体引见:Ansel Easton Adams (February 20, 1902 – April 22, 1984) was an American photographer and environmentalist, best known for his black-and-white photographs of the American West and primarily Yosemite National Park.For his images, he developed the zone system of photography, a way to calculate the proper exposure of a photograph. The resulting clarity and depth were characteristic of his photographs. His crystal clear images were also the result of his using the large format 8×10” film camera, which provided a maximum resolution, although it was among the most difficult cameras to use due to its large size, weight, set-up time, and film cost. However, it was typical of the lengths he would go to achieve his vision of perfection.He founded the Group f/64 along with fellow photographers Edward Weston and Imogen Cunningham, which was responsible for the founding of the Museum of Modern Art's department of photography. Adams' timeless and visually stunning photographs are constantly reproduced on calendars, posters, and in books, making his photographs widely recognizable. And as a result, his images are among the most significant and familiar contributions to the history of photography.
  • 2022-12-08 他作品对造作的正文可以说让人动容,最爱好的等于片中在他给友人的信中,抒发他对艺术的晓得,特别手打到里面去:Art is both love and friendship and understanding: the desire to give. It is not charity, which is the giving of things. It is more than kindness, which is the giving of itself. It is both the taking and giving of beauty, the turning out to the light of the inner folds of awareness of the spirit.
  • 2022-11-19 本能优胜,舍命创作,一步一个台阶晋升自己的技能和感知力,碰见几个伯乐,掩护一段情绪,跨越时期而且被时期铭刻,气势派头的慢慢旋转,地步的慢慢进步,老迈时中断创作,安于教导与状态遗址。安塞尔·亚当斯的样式远超今世以致照相史的许多照相师,看完后拷问自己:你的确为谁人行业付出了充沛多的血汗吗?
  • 2022-11-13 从安塞尔的优秀作品中,你可以感知到温度怎么,相对湿度怎么,是一天的哪个时候,是一个月的哪一天,照片的英华莫过于此!这才是体面照的素质,这才是体面照的至高地步!他不只拿到了自在勋章,在他逝世后,还将约塞米蒂的一座山岳以他定名!致敬巨匠,同是希冀有一天找到属于我的那片约塞米蒂!
  • 2022-10-31 “艺术等于爱与交情,也是晓得。它是一种赋予的希翼,它并非慈祥,只要赠送施与,它高于善良由于它贡献的是本身。它包括了对美的讨取与赋予,它让内在的精力认识得见天日。它是切实的全国在另一个平面上的重现,地球与人类可悲又卓越的切实,和他们之间千头万绪的联络。”
  • 2022-10-24 安塞尔亚当斯是侥幸的,父亲非传统的晓得和教导法子莳植了他自力、自负的风致,才有其后能对钢琴和照相泼洒一生的专一和问题!身为一位照相师能有营建于照相对社会的正向影响力,才是所谓巨匠的最终意思!
  • 2022-10-16 很全面的介绍了亚当斯的生平事迹,也停顿叙说了一些他的作品。怅然作为纪录片来说,太过于抑扬顿挫,让人想犯困。体面照相的传奇人物,或许说是开山祖师吧,当真是体面照相界的毕加索。敬仰!
  • 2022-10-15 最爱好的照相师分别是:萨尔瓦多,亚当斯,卡帕和布列松。总之等于人文和体面,纪实的排序。 忽然感受这部纪录片也想优胜美地的宣传片,界限在消逝,而咱们要爱崇荒芜。