
导演: Diego Araujo编剧: Diego Araujo主演: Juan Manuel Arregui / Diego Andrés Paredes典型: 剧情 / 同性官方网站: feriadofilm.com制片国家/地区: 厄瓜多尔 / 阿根廷言语: 西班牙语上映日期: 2014-02-09(柏林电影节)片长: 82分钟别名: HolidayIMDb链接: tt3509662假期的剧情简介······In 1999, Ecuador’s banking system collapsed in the wake of a corruption scandal. These events provide the historical context for sixteen-year-old Juan Pablo’s enforced sojourn with his rich uncle and his family. Pensive Juan has absolutely no use for either this corrupt banker who has withdrawn to his refuge in the Andes, or his ignorant sons. One night he observes his uncle’s cronies brutally mishandling a man they discover tampering with their cars. After Juan Pablo helps one of the victim’s companions to escape, the pair soon discovers they have more in common than this incident. The young man, Juano, comes from the pueblo nearby, rides an old motorbike and earns a living repairing tyres. He also likes listening to heavy metal. Juan Pablo finds the courage to pursue his hitherto unknown feelings for this attractive boy, even though he has no idea if his feelings are reciprocated. Weeks go by. These are turbulent times – and not just for the country, for Juan Pablo himself things are beginning to falter.
  • 2022-12-05 99年的金融危险配景下,青年分开小镇度过了一段百无聊赖的韶光,遇到了一个不期而遇的过客。过客到底是过客,经年以后能记住的理当照常天确凿本人和痴傻的韶光。厄瓜多尔的自力片,整部电影险些甚么都没讲,只不过截取了一个迟钝青年的韶光来看。两团体跳入陡崖瀑布和倒立看都会的片断,好像会存留心中。
  • 2022-11-30 如斯波澜不惊的芳华和缓缓意识或说是造成本人。有时候好像带着不安和恐慌,有时候也就像如斯,某团体不经意地成为咱们建立起完好本人的次要一部分。生长理当也是何等,一步步一点点的把韶光和从别人眼中看到的本人组合起来,成为完好的集团。很静默怡然,让人惬意的电影!
  • 2022-11-20 阴柔静默青年与摇滚机车男。摊开从谢绝初步,何等油腻而过。每个同道的爱都从直男初步?倒置都会的私密分享,贫富、族群、99年银行金融危险的拔出僵硬,只为了富厚故事的配景罢了。
  • 2022-11-18 我刚想说 若是你16岁时撞见了重金属 那即是你人生的不归路 后果就看到了男主在实践生存中已留了一头长发+鼻环 (托付能选个好看点的摇滚直男吗
  • 2022-11-14 两个长发男。。。。。长发男。。。。。长发。。。。。 对长发男实足抵抗力~~( ﹁ ﹁ ) ~~~ 此外都没存眷 男主跟女孩子同样的边幅
  • 2022-11-06 呃,即是一个儿子(好看)在一个假期喜爱上一个另一个儿子(同样平常)而后意想到本人是gay。跳水的镜头不错,而后两团体一路晒太阳也颇有爱。
  • 2022-10-24 一个特意轻易的Gay爱上直男的故事,男主角的颜是本片最大的看点,秒杀一众女性。PS:特意厌恶他的两个表哥,险些精神病加没教授。