2024-05-03 “voguing comes from shade, because it was a dance that two people did because they didn’t like each other. Instead of fighting, you would dance it out on the dance floor.” It is such a joy to watch people being truly immediate with themselves through acting, performing, and dancing. What they do turns into who they are
2024-04-30 往常看有人说这部显示出最大的喜剧是被殖民、克扣的黑人蒙受成为将白人霸权永远化为幻想的共谋和加入者构建和示意本人身份的办法是留恋白人女性气质。true 然则效仿统治阶层的白人文明和漂亮是这些被褫夺权力多半个人完成赋权感和方针感法子之一更大缘故原由是when there’s literally nobody like u around in a world where white, male, and heterosexual is the most powerful thing you can be