
  • 电影别名:蛇妖
  • 导演:肯·罗素
  • 演员:休·格兰特 、阿曼达·多诺休 、CatherineOxenberg
  • 类型:惊悚恐怖
  • 国家:英国美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:1988-12-13
  • 片长:93 分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:3
主演:休·格兰特 / 阿曼达·多诺休 / Catherine Oxenberg导演:肯·罗素言语:英语 区域: 英国 / 美国 编剧:肯·罗素典范:惊悚 / 胆小上映时候:1988-09-14别号:蛇妖用户标签:英国,HughGrant,惊悚,胆小,KenRussell,宗教,胆小片,英国片子片长:93 分钟imdb编号:tt0095488年轻考古学家安格斯。在女朋友玛莉住的美斯农场相近,挖掘了一个相同蛇的头骨,不大会儿,玛莉的怙恃失了踪,而住在村里的奇妙密斯西维亚,又从外表归来回头,她是蛇妖的化身,捉了玛莉的妹妹依芙,操办将她贡献给蛇妖。举办贡献典礼时,安格斯实时赶到,与蛇妖展开了一场决战。Scottish archaelogist Angus Flint discovers an odd skull amid the ruins of a convent which he is excavating. Shortly thereafter, Lady Sylvia Marsh returns to Temple House, a nearby mansion, far earlier than expected. At a party in the village, Angus meets Lord James D`Ampton, who has just inherited his family`s lands, right next to Temple House. Angus learns of the D`Ampton Worm, a huge dragon/snake which an earlier D`Ampton killed by cutting it in half. (There`s a pretty catchy rock-folk song that tells the D`Ampton Worm legend.) As people begin disappearing and acting strangely over the next day or two, the skull is stolen from Angus` room, and the watch of a missing person is found in a cavern which was the legendary home of the D`Ampton worm. Angus and James discover that there was an ancient cult which worshiped the worm as a god, and theorize that the creature somehow survived its `destruction`, but was trapped inside the cavern. The remainder of the movie shows Angus, James, and Mary Trent attempting to stop Lady Marsh from freeing the creature...
  • 2022-12-12 不懂怎么界说多么的片的优劣,光看阿休和皮卡爽的水平我就给个五星,我cp滤镜以为地盘主和考古学家很好嗑,真实等于为了两人的一张截图来看的谁人片?别的不说此次必需把般配打在公屏上,英格兰金瓜+苏格兰娇花的搭配再好不过,并且多年后也一路帕丁顿熊也算再配合也售后了,我吃的很香感谢导演??着末他俩谁人空气所以大略是阿休必那啥可是在我眼里等于pwp的最先!奥利给!
  • 2022-12-09 追跟着Hugh Grant的脚步,被Ken Russell打开了Cult的大门。一个透些古怪的故事里,尚属平静的叙说中,想象力时而癫狂。放飞、添上纷纭颜色,目力中目不暇接,感官上竟至竹苞松茂。英勇的操纵法子变得风趣,美与丑陋相隔不远。一路轻松跳脱,Hugh是挺秀惊涛中的伟人,而颜容喧哗如料峭春水。
  • 2022-11-27 不时标注着想看,可是没想到我很小很小很小的时分岂非看过...88年的片子,唤起我印象的岂非是里面的假阳具镜头。。。看来这等于人的滋生崇敬的资质。。。可是依然标个三星吧,烂片,或者是有以尔后眼力看二三十年前营建水平之嫌。。。PS:着末接德律风谁人酱油女是亮点,看来英国的明星们也是从拍烂片起
  • 2022-11-13 妈的小时分看过这部片子,血腥又情色太吓人了,并且是在电视上放的, 啊女主妹妹摸到被传染的耶稣雕像时分望见的梦想是一个裸女被插死锥头上,蛇妖不时舔舐谁人锥头上的裸女. 迈埃胆大得要死.尚有男主用苏格兰风笛驱蛇,分分钟被虐杀,也是解体死我了.
  • 2022-11-05 休格兰特还拍过这么遗失的影戏.... 男主角们都好鄙吝,女妖也很美,电脑特效和剧情都烂得激动…… 不是说穿苏格兰裙不穿内裤的嘛,考古哥太不隧道了,尚有裆下藏手雷这是神马烂梗啊……这么烂相对要给高分!
  • 2022-10-26 讲道理,两个小姑娘演技太差了,真实 未审还可以啊这部影戏,两个男主太水灵了...并且铜矿专程多...这部影戏真实 未审熟脸还挺多,年青的休和皮卡,尚有Gina Mckee(对了皮卡叔还胯下藏手雷