主演:Rick Stein导演:David Pritchard言语:
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日本大使的贪吃盛宴用户标签:纪录片,BBC,美食,日本,英国,食品,2006,Documentary片长:60分钟imdb编号:日本菜的英华是什么?海胆?鱼生?季候蔬菜?幽美景色?本片就将为大伙儿展现日本菜的精华,大伙儿一路来看英国大厨做出的日式贪吃盛宴!Rick Stein 是英国老资格的电视良庖,以做海鲜菜为名,在Cornwell开了好几家饭馆、Fish & Chip 店等,还基本上为BBC做过好几个各地烹调饮食习性的系列。Rick Stein 造访了东南亚和东亚(蕴含中国)等地,研讨要地本地的饮食习性和烹调手段。When the Japanese ambassador saw Rick Stein preparing sushi on a boat off Cornwall, he was not impressed. However, this sparked off an idea where Rick would go on a voyage of discovery to the ultimate seafood lover`s destination - Japan. On his return he promised to create a banquet fit for an ambassador and his friends.