
  • 导演:PeteWalker
  • 演员:文森特·普莱斯 、克里斯托弗·李 、彼得·库欣
  • 类型:喜剧悬疑惊悚恐怖
  • 国家:英国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:1983-12-13
  • 片长:USA: 100 分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:6
主演:文森特·普莱斯 / 克里斯托弗·李 / 彼得·库欣导演:Pete Walker言语:英语 区域: 英国 编剧:Earl Derr Biggers / 乔治·M·科汉 / 迈克尔·阿姆斯特朗范例:悲剧 / 悬疑 / 惊悚 / 畏怯上映时候:1983-06-17又名:用户标签:惊悚,畏怯,英国,英国片子,悬疑,VincentPrice,Vincent_Price,PeterCushing片长:USA: 100 分钟imdb编号:tt0085693A quick glimpse at the cast for this film would make any horror fan giddy with glee. The actual movie doesn`t live up to those high expectations, but it`s far from being all bad. Desi Arnaz Jr. (!) plays an author who makes a crazy $20,000 bet with his publisher that he could write a great novel in only 24 hours. To do so, the publisher gives him the keys to an old abandoned house where he won`t be disturbed. Not true. Once he gets there he is interrupted by a multitude of guests including a family which consists of John Carradine, Sheila Keith, Peter Cushing and Vincent Price. They are gathered there in a twisted family reunion to release their brother from the room he`s been imprisoned in for forty years. Even Christopher Lee drops by as Corrigan, the man who has just purchased the house. Soon, they realize that the caged brother is loose and out for revenge.What a great plotline and what a dream cast! This movie should have been a hell of a lot better. It`s hard to pinpoint the exact problems with the film, but I would venture to say that the lack of lighting was a major fault. Sure the house has no electricity but I think they took the title of the movie a little too literally. Scenes after scenes are barely visible and the actors` faces are undecipherable. Only the moments in the main dinning hall are well lit. Also, the great actors are given very little to do. Cushing gets a few chuckles as the scared brother but Price, Lee and especially Carradine are somewhat wasted here. Well, at least Price gets the best line of the film: `Please don`t interrupt me while I am soliloquizing.` And on the plus side, the story has enough twists and turns throughout to keep one`s interest and the ending, while a bit of a cop-out, manages to surprise.
  • 2022-11-23 血魔传说 Danza macabra (1964)+复出 The Comeback (1978)稠浊版。固然看点并不是故事套路,看点是洋溢整部影片的念旧气味,从台词到演员都充满了难忘的回首,估量关于观众来说可能看到这几张老脸基本上很知足了。PS除了普莱斯,库欣,李,之外另有令人欣喜的约翰.卡拉丁和理查德.托德。
  • 2022-11-15 为三位恐惧片天子和恍如隔世的扫尾加一星,戏里戏外基本上自娱自乐的重聚。Vincent Price, Chistopher Lee和Peter Cushing三个老友开了个念旧派对,邀来了John Carradine,迷信怪人的新娘Elsa Lanchester因病出席
  • 2022-11-07 以「戏中戏」的嵌套措施呈文一个惊悚版「呼啸山庄」的故事,前半段略带搞笑,热潮局部趁热打铁,末端另有一丝对范例作品的讥嘲。Peter Cushing, John Carradine, Christopher Lee, Vincent price群星聚集。
  • 2022-11-06 一场闹剧一场梦,仅有的看点等于Peter Cushing, John Carradine, Christopher Lee和Vincent Price四位恐惧电影巨匠一同出演了本片~
  • 2022-11-04 满满的玩票性子,几位恐惧电影界的巨匠齐聚一堂,单看声势的话依然特殊有看头的;但剧情吸引力不大,扫尾更是显得恣意,令客观性大打折扣。
  • 2022-10-30 三星半,时光重聚就像外观奏琴那一幕三人转头差不多豁亮的时光顾惜末端一次狂欢。剧情上只管猜透了几回反转但仍然值得一看。
  • 2022-10-14 蓝本认为李爷爷普莱斯库欣一同演部恐惧片 效果这特么全然等于悲剧 还反转反转再反转 真是气出一口老血…