Based on the controversial novel by acclaimed author Rudolfo Anaya, Bless Me, Ultima is a turbulent coming-of-age story about Antonio Marez (Ganalon), a young boy growing up in New Mexico during World War II. When a mysterious curandera named Ultima comes to live with his family, she teaches him about the power of the spiritual world. As their relationship grows, Antonio begins to question the strict Catholic doctrine that he has been taught by his parents. Antonio must grapple with questions about his own destiny, and ultimately how to reconcile Ultima’s powers with those of the God of his church. 源于Rudolfo Anaya的同名小说。片子讲述了二战时New Mexico州一个名叫Antonio的儿子生长中的记忆。故事初步于Ultima的到来。Ultima是一个垂老的,仁慈又奥妙的curandera,她分开Antonio家中生计。Ultima对草药异常理解,在她与Antonio相处的生活里,她非但教学给Antonio草药的知识,还教学他人命和灵界的聪明。在Antonio的生长过程当中,他记忆了近在眉睫的殒命,初步质疑所受的