2019-03-22 台词很不错,然而剧情依旧软弱了一些,要想前后比拟激烈理当多一些翰墨刻画扶病早年的人生的。德普由于自身性情曾经很出彩,演修养有点出戏,总的来说依旧可以或许看看。“Don\'t just exist, live.For every moment, we are composing our own stories of life.Maturity is just another word for saying how much misery you can swallow of others.You are all too smart to let life go waste.Why is our soul broken? Absurd, yet it\'s perfect.”
1984-10-22 约翰尼•德普十年来最好的影戏,虽说剧情俗套然而气质充足诱人,大雅的古典主义泡在虚无的酒精里。看过那么多描摹将死之人的影戏了,这是感想极深的一部了,live well and die well,不要密切地走进这个良夜,不要仓皇失措的过完生平,扫尾理查德开着车冲向那片野外时,我那颗混沌的心也受到了几丝震惊。