In downtown Bridgeport, CT, a doctor and a security guard dream about each other`s lives. The security guard murders his wife and then meets the doctor, which leads to a series of events. This in turn attracts the attention of Detective David Callahan, former Special forces, of the local 47th police precinct, who is determined to disentangle the mystery surrounding what has gone down. 一年前,劣迹斑斑的卡拉翰(Dorff)警探在一次出了岔子的毒品搜捕行径中被枪击中,然而侥幸的是卡拉翰被一个陌生人所救,从而卡拉翰有了第二次时机去补偿本人之前所犯的错,然而入地弄人,那个陌生人难道到里面去追求复仇……故事很出色。抽丝剥茧,峰回路转,末端,善人不是善人,坏蛋也不是坏蛋。你感到本人差不多改过自新,从新做人,后果犯下更大的罪,还可能没救赎吗?