
  • 导演:DarrenGrodsky 、DannyJacobs
  • 演员:亚当·布罗迪 、WyattCenac 、DannyJacobs
  • 类型:喜剧
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 片长:90分钟
After struggling for years as an artist in New York City, Jake is calling it quits and returning home to Ohio. On his last day in the city, he persuades his three oldest friends to help him retrace their greatest adventure together: a walk down the entire length of Manhattan. But their attempt to reclaim the glory of their early 20s doesn‘t go quite as planned. Over the course of the day, buried conflicts emerge as Jake becomes embroiled with his ex-girlfriend and his friends dip into their own crises of manhood.
  • 2011-06-15 由于关于这座城不克不及相熟更多,那一个个场景在丑化的片子镜头下如故让我极度鼓动感动,趁便是在朝暮看到自在女神的那一刻,那是种唯独纽约人材懂的愿望。想起在他走从前陪他走遍纽约的一个个街区地址,做全体唯独纽约可以做的状态,每个人都必须向前走,不是生长,不是谎话,不过糊口。
  • 2004-10-15 1.5这些演员在一起就连一点化学感召都没有,各演各的。每次见到AdamBrody都认为他就是一坨烂泥,没有一次破例。
  • 1995-10-31 走遍纽约这类事是我无能到里面去的哇
  • 1979-01-18 零分!4SB