A deep historical look at one of the most controversial issues of our time, highlighting the abortion debate from various points along the ideological spectrum in a winding story of abortion in America
2012-06-02 最打动的是看到Dr.Curtis 年高八十仍维持本人的职业,虽身世宗教家庭,但能认识到基督教教学的该当是Compassion and service, 致力于扶助女性和她们的糊口做出最好的决定(the goal of providing abortions is to assist woman in making the best decisions for herself and her life)。反观那些打着“生命是神的赐赉”旗子,褫夺女性自在决定权利的伪君子,只不过畏怯获取对教徒的思惟独霸,鼓动守旧分子暗害诊所大夫生命,云云简单夺走别人生命的人那儿有资格代表pro life流淌。但不可招认的是pro life流淌方式的手术前24小时超声波检测能确定程度有助于妊妇三思而行,避免激昂打胎。