剧情简介:爱琳别的区域的于2018年上映,导演是古斯塔沃·皮兹 ,爱琳具体先容:38岁的爱琳(卡林·特莱斯 Karine Teles饰)和45岁克劳斯(奥塔维奥·穆勒Otávio Müller饰)是一对伉俪。他们在里约州郊区的一个叫彼得罗波利斯(Petrópolis)的小城市生涯。他们有四个小孩,费尔南多(16岁),罗德里戈(10岁),另有一对双胞胎(5岁)。伉俪俩打拼多年为了实现营造他们的新屋子。爱琳是做一份自力销售员的任务,而且也刚要实现深造得到高校文凭。克劳斯运营一家复印店,也在店里买书。费尔南多,他们的大亲孩子,在打手球。因一次赛季中的突出表现,那个小伙子被约请去
家庭生涯中的一样平常状况,还得顾忌费尔南多一年一次的来到,同时得习性没有亲孩子在身边的生涯。Irene, 38 years old, is married to Klaus, 45. They live in Petrópolis, a small city on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, and have four c hildren. Fernando (16); Rodrigo (10), and the twins (5). The couple has been struggling for years to finish building their new house. Irene works as an independent seller while finishing her studies to get her high-school diploma. Klaus runs a small copy shop where he also sells books. Fernando, their eldest son, plays handball. After being the highlight of the season, the boy is invited to join a professional team in Germany and will leave his parents house much sooner than expected. Among the everyday issues of their family`s life, Irene will have to deal with the early separation from Fernando and adapt to a new life without him.