
  • 电影别名:TheFlodders 、WelfareParty 、舒适的家
  • 导演:迪克·麦斯
  • 演员:耐莉·弗利达 、休伯·史塔普 、HoraceCohen
  • 类型:喜剧
  • 国家:荷兰
  • 语言:荷兰语
  • 上映时间:1986-12-13
  • 片长:110分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:7
6 out of 7 people found the following comment useful.A brilliant and outragously funny satire of society, 7 December 1999Author: Dave Joerg (joerd000@mail.zdv.uni-mainz.de)`Flodder` is one of the funniest movies ever made and few people realise that it is a Dutch movie made by none other than the Holland version of John Carpenter, the famous Dick Maas, author and director of the thriller `Amsterdamned`. The Flodder family is the reincarnation of the term a-social. When the whole family bunch, basically all bastards, criminals and sluts must be relocated from their City slum because of toxic waste under their house, the city council house no choice. The only available space is in the `Zoendal` - the `Sun Valley` the best area in Amsterdam where all doctors, snobs and businessmen can afford to live their lives. And where the central point of interest and politics is the tennis club of the community. The Flodder family brings devastation to the tranquil world that ruled before. They are simply unbelievable. The characterisation is incredibly funny, beginning with Ma Flodder who searches other people`s trash cans for food or making illegal liquor in her cellar and ending with the eldest daughter who is the biggest slut on earth. Together they make the most horrible family imaginable, a sort of immoral mirror image to the Brady Bunch or the Waltons. When the City counsel of Amsterdam hoped that the Flodders would show their good will to be more civilised in their new area, it turns out that Holland`s most famous family would rather bring out the worst in the rich people of `Sun Valley`-wonderland. The rest is a hilarious, brilliant and well made social satire that can be watched as a provocative movie as well as a straightforward comedy. Dick Maas at his best. I salute him! Flooder was the Dutch smash hit in 1986 and brought two sequels and a tv series. All of the sequels were nice but not as great as the original.Flodders (1986) is available on DVD in Germany in a dubbed German version in Dolby Digital 5.1. under the name:`Flodders -Eine Familie zum knutschen`Why is First Floor Features, the producer of the movie not bringing the Dick Maas blockbusters out on DVD in the Netherlands, I wonder. The are not even available on video there. These movies have so much potential, still to this day and have a huge silent but true following.
  • 2022-12-09 精神病片子,由于我而且在看9号秘事,我有时会晃神,啊这即是他们的精神病然则我懂,何等的悲剧片子尽量也是屎尿屁但不局限于屎尿屁,任何外在它是给你展示我使用的技艺的诙谐,而不是那个对象自身,它更能激起我关于这对面”思考“的入迷。这是源于我爱好破损那些造作的绚烂的对象,而不是有诙谐去鲸吞不公平的哀痛的事务,片子里的俗气家庭他们在那个社区中的所造作为,许许多多我也想去做。
  • 2022-11-29 悲剧结果拉满。Assi一家人,有手有脚却鸿鹄之志,吃福利住进了豪宅,以为要完成阶层逾越、开端重生活了,又被坦克炸飞。我只能说,they deserve it。倒也不消说底层活得比基层更真实 未审更通透。由于Assi即是何等,毫不想下一秒的事,毫不顾及他人的感触,横竖有福利吃也饿不死。
  • 2022-10-29 以为是半糙b级片,没想到出其不意的风雅,以致还有一个残缺不知道怎样拍的追车镜头,大部门内景都糊上了一层薄薄的蓝色滤镜……着实观感还蛮惊诧,总感到手段和气质不太搭。导演貌似作者性还挺强的,产量也大,应当在荷兰及周边有确定知名度吧
  • 2022-10-23 蒙昧无畏、无伪无欺的一家奇葩!尽量略略无耻,无量露点全luo,然则黑色诙谐部门确凿很解压。。。(讥刺所谓高阶人士的虚假顽劣,笑点的一部门)
  • 2022-10-21 最早逛豆瓣号都没注册时间看到的片子,当初终于看了,就感到挺像特沃斯,没特沃斯楞,比起特沃斯也是有点真傻,讥刺也不太到位
  • 2022-10-16 欢欣诙谐,片子版无耻之徒,爱好看这类无所不为,尽量一团糟但我不care的悲剧
  • 2022-10-15 这一家人确切太能折腾了,讥刺悲剧片。着末把资产阶层扇了一巴掌。