
主演:导演:Ben Rivers / Ben Russell言语:英语 地域: 法国 / 英国 编剧:典范:纪录片上映时候:8 August 2013 (Switzerland)又名:用户标签:纪录片,法国,英国,2013,BenRussell,BenRivers,2010s,Documentary片长:98分钟imdb编号:tt1828124From pagan re-enactors to failed communes, black metal festivals to Arctic hermits, and the forever Golden Hour to the Northern Lights, `A Spell to Ward off the Darkness` is an inquiry into the possibilities of a spiritual existence within an increasingly secular Western culture. A participatory ethnography in the best possible sense, A SPELL choreographs the actions of non-actors within existing Scandinavian landscapes in an effort to arrive at a hybrid document of the past, present, and future; it is a record of experience that proposes belief in transcendence as a viable outcome of living in the now
  • 2022-12-09 人家不是documentary, 人家是non-fiction. 听了导演们的片后再起造诣才加上一颗星,由于观影历程真实 未审并不是很愉悦……试验非叙事片子变长未来确凿对观众是一种磨练啊。叙事不截至的话我企望片子在感情上有截至感,莫非是我太传统?北欧三元素:community, solitude, black metal music.
  • 2022-12-03 叹息导演的控制力,一部高逼格的纪录片,一个三段式的故事,超然的社区机关置身于大自然之中,他们的举动自身带着哲学和人类学的前卫考虑,人们逃离泛泛社会,人们自我充军,着末人们齐集未来的黑金属上演也能让人心里感觉到无比的太平,像是心灵的嘶吼和监禁,像是心灵上的圣歌。★★★☆
  • 2022-11-22 果真照样挺光显能看进去是由拉塞尔主导的,观影历程中的一些超验感想和洽彩是占有共性的,已经源于对全国的探究。
  • 2022-10-18 群體與個人、背地和光洁交錯討論。黑人在湖邊平靜地往臉頰塗搽血色粉膏,blackmetal。
  • 2022-10-15 “交融、孤独和回绝”