
  • 电影别名:JamesBluntinKosovo
  • 导演:StevenCantor
  • 演员:JamesBlunt
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 国家:美国英国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:49分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:9
主演:James Blunt导演:Steven Cantor言语:英语 区域: 美国 / 英国 编剧:典范:纪录片上映时分:2007-11-28别号:James Blunt in Kosovo用户标签:JamesBlunt,纪录片,英国,音乐,Kosovo,人生感悟,當你把這首夸耀給你的戰友們聽,當你的戰友們和你一同唱起這首歌。,难怪他的那些歌听得好有感想。片长:49分钟imdb编号:tt1112701James Blunt: Return to Kosovo is a documentary film recorded in September 2006, when BRIT Award-winning musician and former British Army Captain James Blunt returned to the United Nations protectorate of Kosovo to perform a concert for serving NATO troops, and to visit places and people he had encountered whilst serving in Kosovo in 1999. The documentary was directed by Steven Cantor, an Academy Award nominee.The documentary interlaces the footage filmed in 2006 with personal videos taken by Blunt in 1999, as well as news footage from the Kosovo conflict. Blunt was reunited with the three interpreters with whom he had worked when his unit was the first to be sent into Kosovo. Together, they had intended to seek out families with whom Blunt and his charges had interacted; instead, they found abandoned and destroyed homes where once these families had lived. They also returned to a mass grave that Blunt`s squadron had been instrumental in identifying; it was now a traditional cemetery, where most of the dead had been identified and gravestones with their likenesses had been erected.Interspersed with these scenes were excerpts from the concert Blunt performed for NATO troops, accompanied by keyboardist Paul Beard. The concert itself was sponsored by the British Forces Foundation.Blunt performed songs from his Back to Bedlam album, including chart-topper You`re Beautiful. Also included was his performance of No Bravery, a song about the conflict that Blunt wrote during his tour of duty in Kosovo.
  • 2022-12-07 末了在唱GoodbyeMyLover前说,Ineversingthissongtosomanysodiers.2reasonswhyI\'llsingit:1,someofyouhavegirlfriendshome,sothiswillmakeyoumiserable;2,there\'resomegirlshere,hopefullythiswillmakethemcry,SoImakethemcry,andthenyoucanscore.
  • 2022-12-04 跟假想中有点不同,不外蛮爱好他的歌,感到忧伤中带着治愈,看了这段纪录片也会愈加相识他已很好的把这段影象融入进本人的音乐,酿成本人生长,稚子的营养
  • 2022-11-30 看到他末了唱goodbye my lover时蓦地觉得很心伤.........很好的纪录片,值得一看
  • 2022-11-25 看到他末了唱goodbyemylover时蓦地觉得很心伤.........很好的纪录片,值得一看
  • 2022-11-18 當你把這首褒奖給你的戰友們聽,當你的戰友們和你一路唱起這首歌。
  • 2022-11-18 为我的上尉打五颗星,而且为我不及格的英语口语肉痛╯﹏╰
  • 2022-10-18 听力不好,只听懂六七成,然而感到挺朴拙。