
  • 电影别名:StuffandDough
  • 导演:克利斯提·普优
  • 演员:AlexandruPapadopol 、德拉戈斯·布库尔 、IoanaFlora
  • 类型:剧情
  • 国家:罗马尼亚
  • 语言:罗马尼亚语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:90分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:6
主演:Alexandru Papadopol / 德拉戈斯·布库尔 / Ioana Flora导演:克利斯提·普优言语:罗马尼亚语 地域: 罗马尼亚 编剧:克利斯提·普优 / 勒兹万·勒杜雷斯库典型:剧情上映时候:2001-05又名:Stuff and Dough用户标签:罗马尼亚,羅馬尼亞,Cristi_Puiu,2001,罗马尼亚新海潮,克利斯提·普优,剧情,Romania片长:90分钟imdb编号:tt0289320A twenty-something willing to walk the margins of the law for the right price finds that he`s on a higher tightrope than he imagined in this compelling low-budget drama from Romania. Ovidiu (Alexandru Papadopol) is a young man with an entrepreneurial bent who is trying to launch a business selling snack food while still living in his parent`s flat in Constanta. Needing cash to get his business off the ground, Ovidiu is more than willing to listen when he`s approached by a local crime boss. It seems the mobster has a package that he needs delivered to Bucharest, and he`s willing to pay Ovidiu a healthy wad of cash to do the job. Ovidiu isn`t sure what`s in the package (and is smart enough not to ask), but he figures it`s an easy way to make some fast money, so he packs up his van and hits the road, with his girlfriend (Ioana Flora) and another pal (Dragos Bucur) tagging along for company. Assuming they`re carrying some sort of contraband, Ovidiu and his friends have to steer clear of police cars and check points along the way, but before long the law is the least of Ovidiu`s worries when he discovers that a red car is following them -- and the four men inside are determined not to be shaken. Marfa Si Banii was enthusiastically received in its screening at the 2001 Cannes Film Festival. ~ Mark Deming, All Movie Guide
  • 2022-11-27 事实上没有多凸起啦,对社会理论和黑道的展示并没有几多新意,尤其是黑道,涓滴没有超过观影等待。亮点是 B 故事实现很好,一起头两个男主曾经小孩,母亲侍候男孩,男孩谁人赫然更会玩的敌人来了往后,男孩跟他比较更像仆从,帮他沏起了茶。但黑道扶助男孩快捷生长:在他遇袭后被动打给黑帮德律风往后,二人主次起头反转,抢过驾车位、领会了警员意义去行贿,只管即便到送货地的时分,男孩曾经驾驭了话语和决定权,前面因看车而起的矛盾更是直接挑知道,直至男孩目击路上的凶杀,敌人却仍在车里睡觉,两个体曾经辩解处在成人和孩童两个天下,实现关连的倒置。不过想不通刚到送货地的时分敲门没人为甚么不打德律风?总有种为了 B 故事舍了 A 故事的感到。
  • 2022-11-17 本片的主要职位地方在于它相对是名闻遐迩的“罗马尼亚新海潮”的终点作——它拥有了整个往后罗马尼亚新海潮的事态。本片算个反公路片大略黑帮范例的片儿,普通人有时卷入了一些看似重大的事务,但事实上甚么都没发作。按例还可以读出民族寓言的身分(强权甚么的)。不过本片底子无涉汗青,不过有对于理论
  • 2022-11-13 “强权”还蛮好领略,不过民族寓言没太看进去……看了普优、蒙吉和内策尔三个体的处女作,千万没想到何等“理论”的罗马尼亚新海潮曾经脱胎自范例片和黑色幽默啊……P.S:求路怒症们别再上路了!!!听他们的大嗓门确实很令人发急啊喂!
  • 2022-11-10 #桃花岛观影团#3.5一场特别道路上路,两男一女絮絮不休,碰着路怒症攻打,反被警员获救,货到付款,2000美圆,本以为带着妈妈要的物质回家,整个归于平庸,却发明路怒症已死,踏上的路无奈转头
  • 2022-11-07 难看。整个都宛然惊险重重,宛然从未发作,一样平常噜苏的对白让人预测每个细节对故事的走向,末了却像从没有过,而后忽然扫数聚来,人们寻求正常有味生涯以外的探险,确实碰上却又想挣脱。
  • 2022-11-03 看简介以为是个危险欣慰的故事,整部影戏浮现的即是很平,平到让人以为,啊,就何等起头了,就何等竣事了的。没有等待的翻转,没有等待的欣慰。谁说影戏不可以何等呢
  • 2022-10-28 2001年戛纳导演双周单位+金开麦拉奖提名作品。三思而后行。对整体认识对盲从的驳斥融入到种种噜苏的讲话和行动中,看不进去的才是骁勇。