
主演:赵宰贤 / 尹继尚 / 车秀妍导演:崔镇昊言语:韩语 地域: 韩国 编剧:典范:剧情上映时分:2009-11-05别号:The Executioner用户标签:韩国,韩国片子,人道,剧情,尹继尚,执行者,片子,赵在显片长:98分钟imdb编号:tt1517257That human nature becoming seriously violent within the system of the death penalty and a jail is what this film serenely gazes into. An execution scheduled to be carried out in 12 years creates a hostile and stifling atmosphere among guards. This has profound effects on the dehumanization of Jae-kyoung, a young, newly appointed guard who nonetheless happens to find that a coldblooded colleague of his, Jong-ho, has some humane traits.[Executioner] is a human drama portraying a variety of circumstances between human beings and law. Further, such a status is achieved by representing inextricably interwoven emotions of the guards who stand aside between the public and personal sphere. The prison depicted in this film is a social institution which is interpellated as somewhere humane, yet makes the inhumanness of the ordinary even more inhumane. (LEE Sang-yong)第13届上海国际片子节亚洲新人奖 最佳影片(提名)第13届上海国际片子节亚洲新人奖 评委会特别奖
  • 2022-12-11 关于杀人偿命积重难返,也从未有过废止极刑争议的中国公家,我想是不太能了解废、立扑面有若干人性。不废,可以会形成无奈挽回的错案与罪犯的自新;废,大都受害人眷属会更难接管。《实施者》站在狱警的角度,照样倾向于废的。韩片关于法务职员.不讥刺,这样深化刻画心思照样不多见的。
  • 2022-10-30 音乐6 画面6 导演8 故事8 饰演8 印象8 均匀7.6/10 韩国理论版“绿里奇迹”题材,执法与人性之抵牾,冰冷的轨制同炙热的情绪间的悖论。生者富强。
  • 2022-10-27 惨重的廢极刑與否話題,前陣子在台灣沸騰了一陣子。或許很多人看到這部片會覺得极刑很殘忍,卻仍無法改變本人本来方式:每條生命基本上珍貴的,然而殺人,請償命。
  • 2022-10-26 关于暴戾恣睢的人依旧抱有怜悯,那关于受害者和受害者的家人该是多亮堂、社会的公理必要有人去掩护,哪怕这份任务惨重。大好人凭甚么怯弱,歹徒才理当战栗!
  • 2022-10-25 好想看啊啊啊啊啊啊狂风呜咽TAT找不到字幕版油管上的原版底子啃不下来气死了我了气死我了气死我了ㅜㅜ
  • 2022-10-22 那些担任实施极刑的狱警内心里是奈何一种感到?这部片子试图去探索其中的洗练性。????
  • 2022-10-16 2010年片子节影片,不记得内容了,只记得片子停滞后灯光一亮满地的瓜子果皮……