《Nove ospiti per un delitto》高清下载

主演:导演:Ferdinando Baldi言语:意大利语 区域: 意大利 编剧:Fabio Pittorru典型:惊悚上映时分:12 January 1977 (Italy)又名:Nine Guests for a Crime用户标签:1977,意大利,意大利影戏,经典片长:imdb编号:tt0074979`Nove Ospiti per un Delitto` is a mediocre giallo in the tradition of Agatha Christie`s `And Then They Were None`. Nine members of the same family go to an island, where nobody lives - but the head of the family (Arthur Kennedy) owns a nice house there. Problem is that he and his three sons keep a dark secret, and this dark secret begins to haunt them as soon as they are on the island. One by one they fall victim to a mysterious killer... (IMDb)
《Nove ospiti per un delitto》电影评论
  • 2022-10-17 一对情侣在海边温文蓦然被几个来历不明的人枪杀,随后这座小岛便泛起了一连串的凶杀。终究谁是凶手?此片是意大利晚期经典之一,值得一看。