
  • 电影别名:两百大洋
  • 导演:RichardLemay
  • 演员:MattWalton 、SeanMatic 、AnthonyAmes
  • 类型:喜剧爱情
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-13
主演:Matt Walton / Sean Matic / Anthony Ames导演:Richard Lemay言语:英语 地域: 美国 编剧:典型:笑剧 / 恋爱上映时分:2004-03-27别号:两百大洋用户标签:同道,美国,gay,恋爱,芳华,同道影戏,影戏,西欧片长:imdb编号:tt0387805Richard LeMay`s directorial debut is a quirky American indie, with subtle acting and unexpected plot twists that dispel cliches about its subject matter. Conrad is a successful CEO at an ad agency whose lover has left him due to his overwhelming tendency to be a control freak. Though an attractive man, Conrad opts to hire a prostitute for sex rather than risk emotional involvement, but when Ian arrives at his door he is unable to understand why such a nice boy chooses to sell himself for a living. Consequently, Conrad offers the hot Aussie hustler a job at his agency in exchange for bi-weekly sexual favors. The complications that ensue for both men attempting to navigate the sticky territory of money, sex, and love, are both amusing and highly moving.
  • 2022-12-10 草尼玛的说这影戏一无可取的是?吗?这是我看过颜值最高的同影了耶!全部副角副角都帅逼惹!剧情要多傻逼有多傻逼要多无聊有多无聊,没有床戏没有肉,全副演员演技为淋!端赖颜我才看完了,一分钟都没拉进度条啊god!真是不可思议惹惹惹!
  • 2022-12-07 哈哈哈 放纵的笑 三个男主太帅啦!!!!!对不起 称心了我全副的理想 反悔本人不是男子 对不起被色相教育怒打了五星 只管一样平常啦~然则有演技有颜嘛~~跳着看的 痛惜了不是gv
  • 2022-11-25 片中还本人谈到Pretty Woman,囧!!对白便是念台词。故事是Pretty Woman翻版比原作差的不是一点。无任何影戏语言上可让人赞扬的地址。
  • 2022-11-15 题材不错 然则演员长相寻常+台词僵硬+情节蓬松+言情剧烂俗的小情节一笔抹煞...剧情展开却是很出人意外 不外这类“独出机杼”并不是我的菜…
  • 2022-11-11 人非圣贤,孰能无过?过去的对与错,是与非都已成电光石火,既然恩爱,就坦诚相待,维护目前,放眼以后。从目前起,做个全新的本人。
  • 2022-10-29 “Martin,你是惟一一个能让我变的正派的人,我的家人,我的性命。”超等爱好Martin和Conrad。
  • 2022-10-20 以为的男副角变成了副角,以为的路人甲变成了男二。。。演技还差点火候,不外满是帅锅罢了。