
  • 电影别名:爱情泡跳碰 、泡抱美人归
  • 导演:Blair 、Hayes
  • 演员:杰克·吉伦哈尔 、斯薇兹·昆茨 、玛丽·谢尔顿
  • 类型:喜剧爱情冒险
  • 国家:美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-13
  • 片长:84 分钟
主演:杰克·吉伦哈尔 / 斯薇兹·昆茨 / 玛丽·谢尔顿导演:Blair Hayes言语:英语 地域: 美国 编剧:Cinco Paul / Ken Daurio典范:悲剧 / 恋情 / 冒险上映时分:2001-08-24别号:恋情泡跳碰 / 泡抱尤物归用户标签:JakeGyllenhaal,美国,悲剧,恋情,美国片子,荒诞乖张,超现实主义,2001片长:84 分钟imdb编号:tt0258470When I rented it, I was expecting to be disappointed. What a shock! An awesome film with a delightfully goofy plot. I did not find it offensive in any reagrd. In fact, I disagree with those who have called the film `stupid` or `dumb` or void of any real social commentary. In a nutshell, Almost everyone Jimmy encounters on his adventure is trapped in their own self imposed bubble. Truth is, we all find ways to insulate ourselves from the world, and impose `Bubbles` to convince ourselves of non-existent limitations that prevent us from being and doing what we want. The film`s irony and beauty lies in the fact that while Jimmy`s bubble is the most obvious, he is the free-est character in the film. He refuses to accept the limitations of his bubble, and will follow his heart no matter what the cost. How many of us can look in the mirror and say the same about ourselves? Well worth the cost of rental. One of the least recognized film jewels of the century so far.
  • 2022-12-11 全程蠢萌,收尾反转,挺有意思的~~~老吉在,就五星!哈哈哈哈哈哈哈全副看上去可以有点受不了,好几次想退出,但为了嫩吉看完了。收尾的打动不是一星半点,让我不忏悔看了这部电影。真实我以为这部片颇有深意啊,虽说是荒唐笑剧但奚落了许多器械,正所谓笑剧的内核是笑剧。
  • 2022-12-09 全程全副员工都在放飞自我,真好。jake可恨的我全程痴汉微笑容。老吉你的人一辈子咱们的人一辈子未尝不是多么,跳出comfortzone,一同斩妖除魔的并且又交友挚友,闭会离合悲欢。指望jake全部都好,像泡泡亲孩子同样在演员那个职业中闭会人一辈子,不留遗憾,找到挚爱。
  • 2022-12-01 挺搞笑的,但對應到現實中耶存在的一些問題(過度保護的怙恃(其實比方換作現實中的案例,他母親的确很不容易,本事夠照顧他這麼久),愚昧的群眾(當然保括我自己),以及其實真得很斜的斜教(锐意選用同音字),其實也挺悲痛的
  • 2022-11-24 免疫学生选举的,和重症连合免疫毛病病关联真实不大,更像是日常的笑剧,大团圆终局,很快活,相宜一家下昼丁宁时候看看,只不过内容有些少儿不宜哈 ,可以修改掉这些大约更好点。
  • 2022-11-06 太可恨了!!!!!!!!!??????????软乎乎的幼吉的确太可恨了呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜???????
  • 2022-11-03 很棒!刚开始以为剧情有点谬妄,后来看分明了是个荒唐笑剧,还挺有奇幻颜色的,爱需求勇气亲近也需求勇气谋求
  • 2022-10-28 720p中字 很励志的爱情故事 才察觉女主岂非这么美 之前看邪恶之城没怎样太寄望,此次重点存眷