
  • 电影别名:3DancingSlaves
  • 导演:盖尔·莫雷尔
  • 演员:尼古拉·卡萨雷 、斯戴芬·里多 、ThomasDumerchez 、沙利姆·克齐欧彻
  • 类型:剧情同性
  • 国家:法国
  • 语言:法语
  • 上映时间:2022-12-14
  • 片长:90 分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:7
主演:尼古拉·卡萨雷 / 斯戴芬·里多 / Thomas Dumerchez / 沙利姆·克齐欧彻导演:盖尔·莫雷尔言语:法语 区域: 法国 编剧:克里斯托弗·奥诺雷 / 盖尔·莫雷尔典型:剧情 / 同性上映时候:2004-06-16别号:3 Dancing Slaves用户标签:法国,同道,芳华,gay,法国影戏,文艺,同道影戏,影戏片长:90 分钟imdb编号:tt0380773For the originality of its content and manner of telling, Gael Morel`s `Le Clan` deserves wide art-house distribution. It does, however, need a better English title. Life may be difficult for people in the film, but they are not slaves and make choices that attempt to better their situations, if not always happily. Why not simply `A Clan,` since nobody remembers Griffith`s second title for `Birth of a Nation,` or `Brothers`? Two boys practice a North African `slave dance,` but for sport and release.The tightly edited movie can be thought of as short stories about three brothers and their father. With rapid shifts we keep learning new things about the characters. Sometimes one wonders what went on during a gap, but usually one can figure it out and the dialogue that would have worked it through would have been sentimental and out of character.One shot of the brothers huddled together watched by their father is difficult to justify realistically, but it works as a symbolic representation. If meanwhile one wants everything spelled out and sweetened, there is the Québec film `C.R.A.Z.Y.` The brothers do maintain enormous familiarity. The youngest one, very drunk, is helped by a brother to vomit.If that`s shocking, we have to take it as a fact of the milieu. The banlieux of France have recently been in the news. `Le Clan` goes much further with stories that lead one to care for the characters in the variety of their difficult situations of social derogation, dangerous labour, sexuality, and self-esteem.
  • 2022-11-29 —— Marc急躁不安的冬季, Chris從嚴冬步入暖春, Oliver在秋日破繭而出. ▤「We won\'t meet again. You\'ll stay with your brothers. Your life can\'t work without them and can\'t work with me. I\'d like to be wrong. I really wish I was wrong. But I know you inside out.」
  • 2022-11-27 第三幕无论是作为机关意义上的开头仍是人物意义上导演的身份认同都最为动人 本就精于写对白的奥诺雷配上手札体愈加戳心 他的言语敏感度和一丝自站态度的浪漫/理想主义拯救了莫雷尔也切实塑造了他自己(说实话女儿舞蹈/喜爱轻吻何等的处置惩罚设法虽谈不上有多高妙 其余导演也切实做不来)但单论莫雷尔的话的确乏善可陈 / making you proud
  • 2022-11-12 太多相熟的面孔了,本来我基本上看了这么多同影,God!话说“强悍我,强悍我,但请不要伤了我”这句台词被三弟说得还真是诱导又单纯,阿拉伯儿子做谁人瞬间的行为莫非毫无自然感受,果然一对极品情侣
  • 2022-11-08 擦 底本是冲着 Christophe Honoré看的,看完才发明Honoré不外编剧之一,导演其实是咱们的天国的谁人导演。。。两集团貌似协作编剧了好几部电影了%>_
  • 2022-10-29 擦底本是冲着ChristopheHonoré看的,看完才发明Honoré不外编剧之一,导演其实是咱们的天国的谁人导演。。。两集团貌似协作编剧了好几部电影了%>_
  • 2022-10-22 699M。老迈从牢狱到里面去后改邪归正,在火腿厂下班。二弟俯首听命。三弟是个同道,与小帅哥在一起之后又离开。拍照和人都很美,歌曲也很刺耳。
  • 2022-10-21 我覺得有點沉悶了,一開始我還以為是講三兄弟早年的曖昧…………不過這三兄弟的情感還是很讓人艳羡的,親情總是最坚固,最讓人依戀的