《马拉萨尼亚32号鬼宅》2020高清下载 在线播放

  • 电影别名:Malasaña32 、凶屋32(港) 、32MalasanaStreet
  • 导演:Albert 、Pintó
  • 演员:哈维尔·博泰特 、贝戈尼亚·瓦加斯 、Iván Marcos 、比雅·塞古拉 、塞尔希奥·卡斯特利亚诺斯 、José Luis De Madariaga 、Iván Renedo 、María Ballesteros
  • 类型:恐怖片
  • 国家:西班牙
  • 语言:西班牙语
  • 上映时间:2020-01-17
  • 片长:104分钟
  • 豆瓣评分:5.7
马拉萨尼亚32号鬼宅剧情简介:马拉萨尼亚32号鬼宅西班牙区域的于2020年上映,导演是Albert,Pintó ,马拉萨尼亚32号鬼宅具体引见:Madrid, 70s. Manolo and Candela settle in the Madrid neighborhood of Malasaña, with their three children and grandfather Fermín. That move means leaving behind the past and its life in the town. Madrid is a great city in full transition and, at the same time, it seems like a good place to find the prosperity you are looking for. But what the Olmedo family does not know is that the house they have bought will become their worst nightmare. What seems like a new beginning, an opportunity, becomes a series of chilling facts that show that they are not alone in that house
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